Thursday, November 30, 2006
Piles, Piles, and Piles
It always seems that around this time of year- birthdays and Christmas- I have pile upon pile throughout my house. Presents for the kids, presents for family, birthday favors and supplies, papers for birthday and Christmas cards, and Christmas supplies... it is never-ending. You can barley walk into our closet without being attacked by bags of gifts. Even corner of our room is filled with something. Now this may seem like no big deal, BUT we are getting our carpets cleaned on Saturday and I have no idea where to put everything!? Maybe on our bed and on the futon in the family room? I have to take all the toys out as well and I just don't know where it will fit. I am thinking that this is a good chance to do one final clean-out/organization before Christmas.
Dentist Visit
The L Kids went to their first dentist visit today. Logan did great- he was so proud, personable, and cooperative! He even got his teeth cleaned and the dentist was very impressed. Leah, on the other hand, did not like her check-up. I had to hold her (against her will) while the dentist did her exam. If you ask her about it, she says, "I no like the dentist. See you next time dentist." Both kids enjoyed the awesome toys in the waiting room, the stickers they got, and the toy they got from the treasure chest. Bottom line, shiny and clean teeth for all!!!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Sweet Leah
So, Ms. Leah turned 2 today! I can't believe it- she is SO big! Her 2 years have gone by so quickly and I love to see her grow and change. She is such a sweet, beautiful, independent, feisty, and sassy little girl. She knows what she wants and knows when she wants it! Her funny little personality keeps us laughing all day long. I hope she continues to grown into a confident, respectful, healthy, and happy little girl. Happy 2nd Birthday Leah!
Leah's Favorites:
1. playdoh
2. dolls
3. baby beluga
4. bugs!!!
5. dancing and music
6. cats and dogs
7. "The kids"- as she calls them when referring to neighborhood friends
8. painting
10. parachute
11. bubbles
12. Curious George
13. Tickle Monster
10 (out of a million!) Best Things About Leah
1. when she sings and dances to music- she gets down!
2. her running/skipping/galloping
3. sweet little voice
4. her big blue eyes and beautiful face
5. wavy, wispy, golden hair
6. her funny little personality
7. her dedication to High Fives
8. her hugs, kisses, and snuggles
9. her confident and easy-going attitude
10. her sense of humor and playfulness
Leah's Favorites:
1. playdoh
2. dolls
3. baby beluga
4. bugs!!!
5. dancing and music
6. cats and dogs
7. "The kids"- as she calls them when referring to neighborhood friends
8. painting
10. parachute
11. bubbles
12. Curious George
13. Tickle Monster
10 (out of a million!) Best Things About Leah
1. when she sings and dances to music- she gets down!
2. her running/skipping/galloping
3. sweet little voice
4. her big blue eyes and beautiful face
5. wavy, wispy, golden hair
6. her funny little personality
7. her dedication to High Fives
8. her hugs, kisses, and snuggles
9. her confident and easy-going attitude
10. her sense of humor and playfulness
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Home Snow and Ice
So, with the snow, ice, and 21 degree weather, the city has basically shut down... I think it is so funny- most people here don't even know what a snow storm is... back East we used to get 2+ feet of snow in 8 hours. It was so fun- hot cocoa, snow ball fights, sledding, and snowmen galore! Anyway, be it a mild storm or a severe one, East Coast or West Coast, snow is fun! It creates a magical and peaceful feeling... and I love looking outside to see the snow covered trees, grass, and streets.
Anyway, after being stuck inside all day, we were lucky enough to convince my Mom and Dad to come over to watch the kids for a few hours. Anth and I quickly took off and headed Birthday/Christmas shopping! We got the new kitchen, which I am going to put together after this posting... along with some other miscellaneous toys. We then went to lunch at Dad Watson's and to the Grocery Store to stock up on food! It was nice to get out just the two of us. We enjoyed each other's company, regrouped, and discussed the upcoming Holiday's.
On that note, wish me luck with kitchen assembly!
Anyway, after being stuck inside all day, we were lucky enough to convince my Mom and Dad to come over to watch the kids for a few hours. Anth and I quickly took off and headed Birthday/Christmas shopping! We got the new kitchen, which I am going to put together after this posting... along with some other miscellaneous toys. We then went to lunch at Dad Watson's and to the Grocery Store to stock up on food! It was nice to get out just the two of us. We enjoyed each other's company, regrouped, and discussed the upcoming Holiday's.
On that note, wish me luck with kitchen assembly!
Monday, November 27, 2006
So, our little Leah is turning 2 on Wednesday... Her big present is a toy kitchen. After I did EXTENSIVE research online and in stores, we decided to go with the Target Play Wonder Kitchen. It is brightly colored, which I love and also is the "island style" kitchen. Anth and I started putting it together tonight and well, we got to about step 2 in the directions and what a piece of JUNK!!! I should have known since I only paid $80 for the thing but come on... the paint was chipped- in large chunks, the wood was warped and cracked, and the thing was as sturdy as a chair with 3 legs... I am so DISAPPOINTED because I just wanted it to be done with and ready to go on Wednesday for Sweet Le. So, after doing more research, I think we will go with the Small World Toys Sink/Stove Combo and also the Kid Refrigerator... both of which are about $100 each! I didn't really want to spend that kind of money but I guess in this case the old saying is true- "You get what you pay for." And you guys know me, once I have it in my mind that I want something, I do all I can to get it... but I know Leah will love the kitchen. Luckily, Top Ten Toys sells the Small World Stuff but I think I also may swing by Pottery Barn Kids and check out their equally EXPENSIVE stuff... aaaahhhhh!
PS- Can you believe my BABY is turning 2!?!?!?!
PS- Can you believe my BABY is turning 2!?!?!?!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Good Karma by the Dalai Lama
Instructions for Life- I like these!
1. Take into account the great love and great achievements that involve great risks.
2. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
3. Follow the three R's: RESPECT for self, RESPECT for others, and RESPONSIBILITY for all your actions.
4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great relationship.
7. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
8. Spend some time alone everyday.
9. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.
12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation and don't bring up the past.
14. Share your knowledge.
15. Be kind and gentle to with Earth.
16. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
1. Take into account the great love and great achievements that involve great risks.
2. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
3. Follow the three R's: RESPECT for self, RESPECT for others, and RESPONSIBILITY for all your actions.
4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great relationship.
7. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
8. Spend some time alone everyday.
9. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.
12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation and don't bring up the past.
14. Share your knowledge.
15. Be kind and gentle to with Earth.
16. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
SNOW in Seattle
It snowed in Seattle today... and it actually stuck. We got maybe 3 inches, which for Seattle is huge! No 2 foot snow storms here! I actually love the snow and it is one of the things that I miss from NY. It is so beautiful, refreshing, and peaceful! I know, it's also COLD, a pain to shovel, and makes driving a nightmare. The kids were SO excited and had to go outside right away. We made a little snowman and had a mini snowball fight. It was one of those precious family memories... everyone was excited and in awe of this new-found wonder. Once we got back inside and got warmed up, Mama headed out to Target. Yes, I drove in the snow! It's not me that I worry about but the other drivers! After all, I took my driver's test in a snow storm!
Friday, November 24, 2006
I hope everyone had a happy and relaxing Thanksgiving. We ALL have so much to be thankful for and I know sometimes I take it all for granted. But I have the most important things in life: family, healthy kids, friends, love and support, food, and shelter! And for all that, I AM extremely thankful.
Enjoy the Holiday!!
Enjoy the Holiday!!
Questions- response needed
A few things:
1- Is it too early to put up Christmas decorations? When is everyone else planning on doing it?
2- Christmas Cards- picture of kids only or whole family?? I am having trouble with this one! It is SO hard to get an attractive picture of the 4 of us... let alone of just the kids. What is everyone else doing and what are your thoughts?
Thanks- L
1- Is it too early to put up Christmas decorations? When is everyone else planning on doing it?
2- Christmas Cards- picture of kids only or whole family?? I am having trouble with this one! It is SO hard to get an attractive picture of the 4 of us... let alone of just the kids. What is everyone else doing and what are your thoughts?
Thanks- L
Fred Meyers
So, on Wednesday night, the team packed up and went downtown (in the pouring rain) to see the Gingerbread House display and the Children's Hospital Christmas Trees. (At least I didn't make everyone take the bus!) The gingerbread were the best yet- so elaborate, colorful, and decorative. They also smelled DELICIOUS. And I think Logan somehow managed to touch each and every one of them- didn't get any candy off though!) And the trees were equally striking in the gorgeous Fairmont Olympic Hotel. We had a nice time- kids were well behaved (except for the gingerbread touching), wasn't too crowded and we all got into the Holiday mood. Well, I did at least!!
Which brings me to Fred Meyer- Lo, Le, and I went today and let me tell you- they had a blast looking at the Christmas decorations, lights, and displays! It blew away the stuff downtown! Plus, they got a free cookie! Now that's service. No more dragging the kids downtown to the fancy hotels... We're going to Fred's, Target, Kmart, and Walmart!! Doesn't get any better than that.
We also went to the Macy's Seattle T-Day Parade this morning. Gramma was a trooper and came with us (although she did call at 6:30am!!! to see if we really should go. I think she wanted to sleep in.) Thanks for coming, Mom. But, it was great. Logan and Leah's eyes were glued to the marching bands, floats, clowns, and of course, Santa. Silly us, we then decided to go to the Space Needle (Logan has been asking about it lately) for another visit with Santa, some Holiday crafts, and a view of this magical city. By this time, the kids were getting a little cranky but they came though! A successful day trip done and completed! I'll think we'll spend the next few days relaxing at home!
Which brings me to Fred Meyer- Lo, Le, and I went today and let me tell you- they had a blast looking at the Christmas decorations, lights, and displays! It blew away the stuff downtown! Plus, they got a free cookie! Now that's service. No more dragging the kids downtown to the fancy hotels... We're going to Fred's, Target, Kmart, and Walmart!! Doesn't get any better than that.
We also went to the Macy's Seattle T-Day Parade this morning. Gramma was a trooper and came with us (although she did call at 6:30am!!! to see if we really should go. I think she wanted to sleep in.) Thanks for coming, Mom. But, it was great. Logan and Leah's eyes were glued to the marching bands, floats, clowns, and of course, Santa. Silly us, we then decided to go to the Space Needle (Logan has been asking about it lately) for another visit with Santa, some Holiday crafts, and a view of this magical city. By this time, the kids were getting a little cranky but they came though! A successful day trip done and completed! I'll think we'll spend the next few days relaxing at home!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Places I've Been
So, thanks to Karen and Uncle, I was able to add this feature to my blog. The red areas show places I've visited in the US and also the World. My favorite place was Australia, when I went to visit my parents (who were there on sabbatical) when I was a Junior in college. Such a beautiful, amazing country with so much to do and see... and the people were awesome! Scotland was also great- I was a bit younger when I went there, around 12 years old and went to visit with my aunt, uncle, and favorite cousin Amy!! The castles and countryside were unbelievable.
I would still love to explore this wonderful world in which we live and discover the many hidden treasures! Like Karen said, maybe when the kids are older and we are retired. Man, that seems like so far away but at the same time, it's even scarier that I am making a reference to something I'd like to do when I retire! Yikes!

create your own visited countries map
or vertaling Duits Nederlands

create your own visited states map
or check out these Google Hacks.
I would still love to explore this wonderful world in which we live and discover the many hidden treasures! Like Karen said, maybe when the kids are older and we are retired. Man, that seems like so far away but at the same time, it's even scarier that I am making a reference to something I'd like to do when I retire! Yikes!
create your own visited countries map
or vertaling Duits Nederlands
create your own visited states map
or check out these Google Hacks.
Thanks Uncle!
So, my brother (aka Uncle) came over tonight for a little pre-Thanksgiving party. He's a bit of a techo-geek- in a good way- (I'm sure you'll notice if you link to his blog) and he helped me add some features to my blog. I'm not sure if I completely understand them but... I'll give it a try. One cool feature is the "Visits To My Page" link which shows the location of where people who visit my blog are located. Another cool thing is the "Subscribe To My Blog" link which allows people to subscribe to my blog via their email address. I am thinking you'll be notified when I create a new posting but not entirely sure??
So, please explore my blog, keep reading, leave your comments, and have fun!
And thanks, Bri, for making my blog almost as cool as yours!
So, please explore my blog, keep reading, leave your comments, and have fun!
And thanks, Bri, for making my blog almost as cool as yours!
Lights, Camera, Action
Well, we attempted to go to the movies tonight to see Happy Feet. Nope, didn't work out! I had envisioned the 4 of us sitting in the movie theatre, relaxed, calm, happy, and all eyes on the big screen with smiles on our faces! It wasn't a disaster, but when the previews started, Leah said, "Too Loud, Too Loud, Go Home, Leave." We tried to talk to her a bit but she wasn't having it. So, Little Le and I went next door to Cupcake Royale (yum) to wait for the guys. Logan was sitting happily with Anthony when we left but about 20 minutes later, my cell phone rings. (I am thinking that the popcorn and candy ran out.) Of course, it's Anthony, "Well, we didn't make it. Logan said he missed his sister and wants to come find you guys." Which is too sweet, if I may say so! So, our movie experience didn't work out. Guess we'll have to stick to more hands-on activities. Although we did go to the Tiny Tots concert at Benayora Hall last week and it was awesome!! Luckily, we were able to get our ticket money back... and "we'll try again next time", as Logan says.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Moms Rising
So, I stumbled across this website and I think it's pretty cool! It's basically a group that is focusing on "working together to build a family friendly America." A quote from the website,
"MomsRising has a goal of bringing millions of people, who share a common concern about the need to build a more family-friendly America, together as a non-partisan force for 2008 and beyond."
The core issues of their movement include:
M- maternity/paternity leave (paid leave for all parents of a newborn child)
O- open flexible work that gives parents the ability to structure their work hours and schedule in a way that allows them to meet family and career needs.
T- TV we choose and other after school programs
H- health care for all kids
E- excellent childcare
R- realistic and fair wages.
I just ordered a book from the website based on the above values and issues called, The Motherhood Manifesto, by Joan Blades and Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner. It may be a nice change from all the discipline, sleep, ages and stages, and other parenting books I read! I'll let you know how it is!
So, check it out and tell me what you think!
"MomsRising has a goal of bringing millions of people, who share a common concern about the need to build a more family-friendly America, together as a non-partisan force for 2008 and beyond."
The core issues of their movement include:
M- maternity/paternity leave (paid leave for all parents of a newborn child)
O- open flexible work that gives parents the ability to structure their work hours and schedule in a way that allows them to meet family and career needs.
T- TV we choose and other after school programs
H- health care for all kids
E- excellent childcare
R- realistic and fair wages.
I just ordered a book from the website based on the above values and issues called, The Motherhood Manifesto, by Joan Blades and Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner. It may be a nice change from all the discipline, sleep, ages and stages, and other parenting books I read! I'll let you know how it is!
So, check it out and tell me what you think!
So, we are driving home from school today and see a rainbow. We always make a wish when we see rainbows and Logan's wish was:
"I wish I was bigger so I could drink tons of beer! And I wish I could go to candy land with Leah."
Toooo Funny!!!
"I wish I was bigger so I could drink tons of beer! And I wish I could go to candy land with Leah."
Toooo Funny!!!
Hot and Not
What's Hot and What's Not with Team Robinson
----------------------------------- HOT ************** NOT
Trampoline ***** Climber
Snow ***** Rain
High 5's ***** Hugs/Kisses
Playdates ***** Playing w/ Mom and Dad
Super Heroes ***** Stuffed Animals
Christmas ***** Halloween
Britax Strollers ***** Graco Strollers
Paint Dots ***** Markers
Rocking Horse ***** Ride On Toys
Curious George ***** Little Einsteins
Bike Rides ***** Going for Walks
Snapfish ***** Shutterfly
Santa's Reindeer ***** Dogs
Blogging ***** Reading
Zoomazium ***** Children's Museum
Bowling ***** Mini-Golf
AM Storytime ***** Pajama Storytime
Play Cafes ***** Coffee Shops
Trampoline ***** Climber
Snow ***** Rain
High 5's ***** Hugs/Kisses
Playdates ***** Playing w/ Mom and Dad
Super Heroes ***** Stuffed Animals
Christmas ***** Halloween
Britax Strollers ***** Graco Strollers
Paint Dots ***** Markers
Rocking Horse ***** Ride On Toys
Curious George ***** Little Einsteins
Bike Rides ***** Going for Walks
Snapfish ***** Shutterfly
Santa's Reindeer ***** Dogs
Blogging ***** Reading
Zoomazium ***** Children's Museum
Bowling ***** Mini-Golf
AM Storytime ***** Pajama Storytime
Play Cafes ***** Coffee Shops
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Tonight for dinner we had...
ICE CREAM!! Yes, ice cream. It was such a long day today. Not long in a bad way (everyone was in good moods and got along with each other) but just long! We usually go to my parents house every Sunday for dinner but we didn't today since my Mom is in Florida (luckily, she will be home tomorrow). And man, did the day drag on. We did some fun stuff- went to the Yulefest and saw Santa, Leah and I went shopping (again) while A and Logan went to the dump (big excitement for Logan) and the Farmers Market, went to hang out with a neighbor and her kids, and Papa even came over for a visit. We played every game we own, made hand print turkeys and hand print Christmas trees (which came out SO cute), cut shapes out of different colored felt and jumped from one shape to the next, played hide and seek, made forts out of blankets and furniture... and the list goes on and on. It really was fun to hang at home and get down and play with the kids but my creativity was slowly diminishing.
Back to ice cream for dinner. As many of you know, Thing 1 and Thing 2 are excellent eaters and were snacking on pears, carrots, and ham all day. I had chicken out and was going to whip something up but I just didn't feel like it. So... I surprised everyone and served ice cream. The looks on Lo and Le's faces were priceless... I think they thought I was nuts!! Of course, it was enjoyed by all. And for their bedtime snack, they had more pear, carrots, and ham!!
Back to ice cream for dinner. As many of you know, Thing 1 and Thing 2 are excellent eaters and were snacking on pears, carrots, and ham all day. I had chicken out and was going to whip something up but I just didn't feel like it. So... I surprised everyone and served ice cream. The looks on Lo and Le's faces were priceless... I think they thought I was nuts!! Of course, it was enjoyed by all. And for their bedtime snack, they had more pear, carrots, and ham!!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Anthony's Picks
Anthony has requested a little "air time" on my blog so I am dedicating "Anthony's Picks" to him. I will update it often with information, tidbits, and stories.
So, for today:
One night about a two weeks ago, Anth and I were watching TV and out of the blue he goes, "Did you ever have Dale and Thomas Popcorn?" I'm like, "No." And he went on for about an hour about this popcorn. Next thing I know, he' s on the computer ordering some. I, by this time, am thinking he's a little coo-coo. JK Anth.
So, it arrived yesterday and it is SO good! It's kinda like Kettle Corn BUT it is drizzled with chocolate, caramel, and white chocolate. YUM! It's expensive BUT totally worth it.
Check it out:
So, for today:
One night about a two weeks ago, Anth and I were watching TV and out of the blue he goes, "Did you ever have Dale and Thomas Popcorn?" I'm like, "No." And he went on for about an hour about this popcorn. Next thing I know, he' s on the computer ordering some. I, by this time, am thinking he's a little coo-coo. JK Anth.
So, it arrived yesterday and it is SO good! It's kinda like Kettle Corn BUT it is drizzled with chocolate, caramel, and white chocolate. YUM! It's expensive BUT totally worth it.
Check it out:
Friday, November 17, 2006
What the ....???
These are the new storage pieces that are described below along with new coffee table and painting in living room.

So, on Wednesday, Anthony and I were cleaning out the garage a little bit... Logan who was suppose to be resting, comes in, looks around and says, "What the hell is going on in here? You guys made a HUGE mess." It was funny!
Which leads me to a discussion about our house. Now, we live in a GREAT neighborhood with awesome neighbors with kids of all ages who all play together and a few older girls who are excellent babysitters. There is a real sense of community. We are close to the city, our work, and have about 6 fun playgrounds within walking distance. Sounds great, huh? Well, I like our house, it is a cute little 3 bedroom thing, the kitchen is very nice (well, a little small but I can handle that), with a great fenced in back yard. I LOVE the kids bedrooms (thanks to my decorating) and I am happy with the rest of the upstairs- finally got it all decorated and looking presentable. BUT I feel like we are bursting at the seams. I want space- closet space, an extra bedroom, separate office, and playroom. Right now, we have our "multi-purpose room" downstairs, as I like to call it. I am finally getting to a point where I am ready to "tackle" the downstairs... our bedroom is coming along, we got new bedding, hung some nice pictures on the wall, organized a bit, and I am looking at paint samples for the walls. (If anyone has suggestions for a paint color, please let me know. I am open to ANYTHING that would be calming, comfortable for a bedroom). So, my big project is the multi-purpose room. I got some real nice storage pieces and that helps a bit. I actually need to go and buy one more which will be even better but I am still at a loss as what to do with the large space. I think we are going to get a sectional couch, get rid of the blue bed (sorry, Meg!!!) and create more of a family room area and then a separate playroom area. This will help to divide the room and hopefully, will make it look not so awkward. But what about the desk and computer? Should we given in and get a laptop (I had one before but I really prefer the desktops)? Get a small desk and move it into our bedroom? I think laptop with wireless Internet is the route to go. Again, for those of you who know what our downstairs looks like, PLEASE give me ideas, suggestions... I am at a loss... I also want to paint in there and am looking at blues/greens- one dark accent wall and the rest a lighter shade. Once I (we) decide on the color, I can get some cute pictures for the play area and nicer ones for the living area. Also, I DO NOT like our fireplace downstairs. Any ideas of what I can do to make that more pleasing to the eye? Can I paint the bricks? I think white might look better but I have no idea...So, that is the current situation with our house. I often think about moving out to the country- where we would be able to build a brand NEW house, with a ton of space for a lot less BUT I'm not ready to do that. I LOVE living in the city and especially, in our particular neighborhood.
So, please advice wanted.... and thanks!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
100 Things
100 Things * By Laura
- I have one son, one daughter, one husband, and one salt water aquarium tank.
- I might re-order that list depending on my mood.
- But I really do love them all.
- Usually.
- Honestly, I am SO lucky to have a happy, healthy family.
- And, they're all real cute, too!
- Except for the fish.
- I would describe them as exotic.
- I work part-time in an awesome elementary school.
- I am also SO lucky to love my job,
- help kids learn and grow,
- and to work with a group of dynamic people.
- Most of them anyway.
- Just kidding!!
- And I'm even luckier that my parents take care of the little ones.
- Where would I be with out them?
- My parents, I mean.
- I guess I wouldn't be here!
- You would think that I have a lot of time on my hands creating this list.
- I really don't... I'm just procrastinating.
- Avoiding folding laundry.
- And doing my Big6 work.
- Sorry, Dad.
- Hey Dad, do you even read this?
- Let me know.
- If you do, mention this list to me and I'll take you out to lunch.
- Kid-free.
- Oh wait, you usually want to see the kids, not me.
- So.....
- You get to take the kids out to lunch without me!
- Just mention this list to me, okay!?
- It's a win-win situation for all of us!
- My Mom is the best.
- She is so sweet, fun, and kind.
- She even sometimes does my laundry, goes grocery shopping, and cooks dinner for us!
- And the kids ADORE her.
- (They love you too, Papa.)
- And I know my Mom will read this...
- Because she is cool like that.
- Right, Mom?
- Mention this list to me, Mom...
- And I will take you out to a special lunch!
- Kid-free.
- So, we'll see who gets to go to lunch first..
- Mom
- OR
- Dad
- It will be a fun little game.
- And you all know that I love games.
- Right, Meg?
- You know I love games...
- Hey Meg, if you read this list and mention it to me, I'll fly you out to Seattle for a week with Team Robinson.
- And what could be better than a week with Team Robinson?
- Now, back to the game topic.
- Luckily, Anthony is such a trooper and he plays games with me.
- Anth... you mention this list to me and you'll get...
- Well, we'll leave that up to us to decide in private.
- Heck, tonight, we all played "Follow the Leader."
- The kids really got into it and we all got turns being the leader.
- It was fun!
- I think it is important to do family stuff like that.
- Even if it is just 15 minutes of family time playing Simon Says or Follow the Leader.
- Family time is important... for us anyway.
- Which leads me into the topic of Uncle.
- Uncle is my brother and he is awesome.
- My kids adore him and he is so good with them.
- He recently told Logan that they could go to the Space Muesum together.
- So, every morning since Saturday, Logan has been asking when he gets to go to "DC Washington with Uncle to the Space Museum."
- Funny, huh??
- So Unc, mention this list to me and you'll get...
- Well, we can have negotiations, okay.
- I know you have high standards.
- Which is a good thing!
- One would think that I may have had a few drinks prior to writing this list.
- But I haven't.
- I am just trying something new.
- I actually think writing and typing help me to relax and calm down!
- It's a good outlet.
- Maybe I'll write a book one day.
- Actually, I don't think I have the patience for that.
- One day, I would love to:
- be a party planner,
- own a child's play cafe,
- be an independent educational consultant,
- and be independently wealthy.
- Sounds good?
- Small steps, small steps.
- I do think each "goal' is attainable, I just need to start small and work my way up.
- After all, I have my whole life ahead of me.
- Good thing I had kids at a young age.
- So, Kim K- What do you think of this posting?
- Pretty good, huh?
- At least I know you will ready my blog!
- Thanks!
- And
- that
- is
- my
- 100
- things!!!!!!!!!!
Jump Pile
So, the latest game in our house is called Jump Pile and it goes something like this...
I am busy cooking, cleaning, talking on the phone, working on the computer or doing whatever it is I do. Logan and Leah are playing together and I think, wow, the kids are playing so nicely, I haven't heard any cries or screams for 30 seconds... and I go back to what I was doing.
It's so peaceful and quiet... I could forget the kids are even home... but of course, I don't. Instead I finally decide to go check and see what they are doing. Well, they are playing Jump Pile. Silly me, I should have known...
Jump Pile is when Lo and Le take ALL the blankets, crib/bed sheets, pillows, stuffed animals, and any other random "soft stuff" they can find and throw it behind the couch. And, guess what? Yes, they jump from the top of the couch onto their newly constructed Jump Pile. Fun! And Logan is so proud of himself and says, "Mama, Leah and I are having SO much fun! Aren't we playing so nice together. We are best buddies" They were both so happy... I just had to let them do it. (Well, they continued to play in the jump pile but the jumping from the couch was quickly put to an end.)
Next night, I go out to dinner with friends and come home to a somewhat harried Anthony. I ask him what's wrong and he says, "'The Jump Pile, the Jump Pile has expanded." He continues, "Lo and Le took ALL of their clothes out of their dressers and added them to the jump pile behind the couch. I just spent 1 hour refolding and putting clothes away." All I could do was laugh... And if you all know me, you know my kids have a lot of clothes.
So, now the fun game of Jump Pile has rules: No clothing allowed!!!!! (And no actually jumping into the pile).
By the way, Anthony did an awesome job of putting all the clothes away. I love his organization. Although I will occasionally find one of Leah's shirts in Logan's drawers or vice versa! This happened about 2 weeks ago and Jump Pile is still a huge hit in our house. I highly recommend it to all of you who have kids... it will keep them entertained for hours and you all will be soon thanking me. :)
I am busy cooking, cleaning, talking on the phone, working on the computer or doing whatever it is I do. Logan and Leah are playing together and I think, wow, the kids are playing so nicely, I haven't heard any cries or screams for 30 seconds... and I go back to what I was doing.
It's so peaceful and quiet... I could forget the kids are even home... but of course, I don't. Instead I finally decide to go check and see what they are doing. Well, they are playing Jump Pile. Silly me, I should have known...
Jump Pile is when Lo and Le take ALL the blankets, crib/bed sheets, pillows, stuffed animals, and any other random "soft stuff" they can find and throw it behind the couch. And, guess what? Yes, they jump from the top of the couch onto their newly constructed Jump Pile. Fun! And Logan is so proud of himself and says, "Mama, Leah and I are having SO much fun! Aren't we playing so nice together. We are best buddies" They were both so happy... I just had to let them do it. (Well, they continued to play in the jump pile but the jumping from the couch was quickly put to an end.)
Next night, I go out to dinner with friends and come home to a somewhat harried Anthony. I ask him what's wrong and he says, "'The Jump Pile, the Jump Pile has expanded." He continues, "Lo and Le took ALL of their clothes out of their dressers and added them to the jump pile behind the couch. I just spent 1 hour refolding and putting clothes away." All I could do was laugh... And if you all know me, you know my kids have a lot of clothes.
So, now the fun game of Jump Pile has rules: No clothing allowed!!!!! (And no actually jumping into the pile).
By the way, Anthony did an awesome job of putting all the clothes away. I love his organization. Although I will occasionally find one of Leah's shirts in Logan's drawers or vice versa! This happened about 2 weeks ago and Jump Pile is still a huge hit in our house. I highly recommend it to all of you who have kids... it will keep them entertained for hours and you all will be soon thanking me. :)
Just a little thank you to my dear friend Erin.. she is SO kind and thoughtful. After reading my posting about Random Acts of Kindness, she sent me a cute card telling me that I am a great friend, mother, and person! It made my day. See, the little things do really count! Again, thanks friend.
The Big Kids
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Word Power
So my good friend and co-worker, Misa is studying to take the GRE's. To improve her verbal score (she is so bright and articulate so I'm not completely sure why she is worrying so much!) but she is reading/studying this book called Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis. She brought it into work the other day and I was looking through it- it is so neat. It's designed to "increase your knowledge and mastery of the English Language" and is "the complete handbook for building a superior vocabulary." The book is focused around etymology, which deals with the origin or derivation of words. (Don't worry, I had no idea what this word meant until I started reading the book) To begin with, the book has these little tests/activities you complete- defining words, determining if words are the SAME, OPPOSITE, of DIFFERENT with in a certain amount of time, writing down as many different words that you can think of in 3 minutes that begin with the letter "D", and writing synonyms and antonyms to certain words. Well, I just love this stuff and I actually could stand to improve my vocabulary and overall verbal language. So, of course, the next day, I dragged Little Leah out for a little shopping with Mama and we went to Barnes and Nobles to get the book. And... I am hooked! The book is divided into little sections that teacher you how to talk about certain subjects. For example, how to talk about: personality types, the medical profession, science, enemies, friends, actions, personal characteristics, and such. Each section has little activities and tasks followed with tests, reviews, and checks. I haven't gotten too far into the book yet but I will give frequent updates. Or, if you happen to notice that my postings are getting really sophisicated and complex, then you'll know it's working.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Random Acts of Kindness
This week (Nov 11-17) is World Kindness Week. I like to think that I am a kind person (usually but no one is perfect)!! I saw an article in a newspaper about Random Acts of Kindness. On a day to day basis, I do kind things for people- open the door for them, lend a hand if needed, let others go first, smile to strangers. These things are "normal occurrances" for me and I feel like it is the right/polite thing to do. But why not take it a step further? Pay for a latte of the car behind you, buy flowers and stick 1-2 under windshield wipers of various cars, give an unexpected or random card to a neighbor, stranger, or friend letting them know they are special, leave a couple of Hershey Kisses on your neighbor's front porch, offer to pump the gas or load the groceries into the car for an elderly person. Most of these are pretty simple- and fun! What will you do???
Christmas Gifts
So, I have a large portion of my Christmas shopping complete! Of course, I still have a few things to get for my immediate family, Lo and Le's teacher gifts, and a few thing here and there. My problem, however, is that I keep on giving the kids things that are suppose to be birthday or Christmas gifts. Well, just a couple of things- a new shopping cart for Leah and a baby doll and a few games for Logan. I just get so happy and excited when I see the kids palying with stuff they truly enjoy... not that we don't have enough toys that they enjoy playing with but... Plus, it is so nice for Logan and me to play a board game or do a special activity when Leah is napping. And maybe I am not very creative, but I get tired of doing the same things over and over... and I'm sure he does too! So, enter in the birthday and Christmas gifts. What I need to do is hide them at a neighbors or stash them at Gramma's and Papa's house!
So, the hot toys for Team Robinson this year:
Logan is into building toys, matchbox cars, and superheroes. He is so inquisitive, curious, fun, and imaginative.
Logan Gifts: Imaginext Play Castle, Rescue Heroes, Matchbox Race Track, Imaginext Dinosaurs, T-Rex Mountain, Games and Books, Scooter, Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys
Can you say Prentend Play for Leah?? She is so into her babies, pretend cooking, and the Fisher-Price Little People. She is also imaginative, quaint, and sweet, sweet, sweet!
Leah Gifts: Melissa and Doug Dollhouse, Doll Highchair and Stroller, Play Kitchen, Puzzles, Trike, Dress-Up Clothes, Large Lego Blocks
And the playing continues...
So, the hot toys for Team Robinson this year:
Logan is into building toys, matchbox cars, and superheroes. He is so inquisitive, curious, fun, and imaginative.
Logan Gifts: Imaginext Play Castle, Rescue Heroes, Matchbox Race Track, Imaginext Dinosaurs, T-Rex Mountain, Games and Books, Scooter, Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys
Can you say Prentend Play for Leah?? She is so into her babies, pretend cooking, and the Fisher-Price Little People. She is also imaginative, quaint, and sweet, sweet, sweet!
Leah Gifts: Melissa and Doug Dollhouse, Doll Highchair and Stroller, Play Kitchen, Puzzles, Trike, Dress-Up Clothes, Large Lego Blocks
And the playing continues...
So, today we had our PEPS Group 4th Birthday Party. For those who don't know, PEPS (Program for Early Parenting Suport) is a group of new moms who meet once per week starting when their babies are 4-6 weeks old. It's a place to meet friends and discuss the ups and downs of parenting with Moms who are going through the same thing at the same time. The first 3 months of meetings are held by volunteer leaders and there is usually a discussion topic each week (feeding, sleep, discipline). Some groups click... some don't. Luckily, my PEPS group ROCKS!!! We, 4 years later, sill meet with the kids when we can, get together for Girl's Night, and ALL 11 of us keep in touch with each other. My PEPS friends are all amazing people and I am so fortunate to be part of such a wonderful group.
Anyway, today we celebrate the 4th Birthday's of our first-born children. The party was at Jump Planet- a 6,000 feet indoor play space with inflatable slides, bouncy houses, and mazes. The kids had a blast. Moms, Dads, Big Kids and Little Kids jumped, bounced, ran around, and had a great time. After an hour and 15 minutes of playing (the kids were beat- and so were the adults), we went into our private party room for pizza, cupcakes, and presents. It was so good to see everyone and makes me realize just how lucky I am to have such great Mommy friends. So, when is that Girl's Night????
Anyway, today we celebrate the 4th Birthday's of our first-born children. The party was at Jump Planet- a 6,000 feet indoor play space with inflatable slides, bouncy houses, and mazes. The kids had a blast. Moms, Dads, Big Kids and Little Kids jumped, bounced, ran around, and had a great time. After an hour and 15 minutes of playing (the kids were beat- and so were the adults), we went into our private party room for pizza, cupcakes, and presents. It was so good to see everyone and makes me realize just how lucky I am to have such great Mommy friends. So, when is that Girl's Night????
Conversation between Anthony and Laura...
A: What are you doing? On the computer again?
L: Well, I'm posting to my blog.
A (laughing): Didn't you just get done with your first posting?
L: Yes, but I like it... and I have some things I need to say.
A: Oh boy, now we'll really never see you...
Anyway, we have this nice (for the most part) BIG pine tree in the front of our house. And I really do like it as it provides us with privacy, shade, and looks okay (I think the house would be totally bare in the front without it) but I tell ya, come fall and winter, we have pine needles as far as the eye can see. We're talking BILLIONS. Pine needles COVER our driveway, front steps, and probably 20 feet of the sidewalk in front of our house. Let me tell you, these little things stick to your shoes, and now our house is also covered with pine needles and I HATE it. They are everywhere and are a huge pain to clean up.
Logan and I have special yard work time and it's a good thing I have such a hard little worker on my hands. We go out and sweep and sweep and sweep and sweep some more. Logan uses his little broom, makes a huge pile, and then sccops them up with the dust pan and dumps them into the yard waste bin. And he feels SO proud and important that he is my little helper. And he actually is a BIG help. But it doesn't matter... 2 hours later, we are covered with pine needles again! Just so you get an idea of how many I am talking about, we filled up 3/4 of our yard waste bin today with, yup, pine needles. Three-fourths of our bin with pine needles and we still have more...
Anyway, so I told Anthony that we should trim this damn tree- not that it would help with the pine needle situation but it did need a trim. Next thing I know, he's at the neighbor's house borrowing their ladder. And trimming he did! Way to go, A. However, he told me it was my job to clean up the mess. Which is no problem because we are a team, after all. So, here I am for an hour or so sawing these huge branches into smaller pieces. It was great stress relief. I don't mind the work but the thing that really upsets me is that all these trimmings and clippings would be SO great in another month to use as decorations for Christmas. They smelled so good and would look so nice as garland on our mantle or arranged in a vase with some holly. Well, I guess we will just have to have another tree trimming party closer to Christmas. (Sorry Anth). And that is my story of the pine needles. The never ending pine needles.
A: What are you doing? On the computer again?
L: Well, I'm posting to my blog.
A (laughing): Didn't you just get done with your first posting?
L: Yes, but I like it... and I have some things I need to say.
A: Oh boy, now we'll really never see you...
Anyway, we have this nice (for the most part) BIG pine tree in the front of our house. And I really do like it as it provides us with privacy, shade, and looks okay (I think the house would be totally bare in the front without it) but I tell ya, come fall and winter, we have pine needles as far as the eye can see. We're talking BILLIONS. Pine needles COVER our driveway, front steps, and probably 20 feet of the sidewalk in front of our house. Let me tell you, these little things stick to your shoes, and now our house is also covered with pine needles and I HATE it. They are everywhere and are a huge pain to clean up.
Logan and I have special yard work time and it's a good thing I have such a hard little worker on my hands. We go out and sweep and sweep and sweep and sweep some more. Logan uses his little broom, makes a huge pile, and then sccops them up with the dust pan and dumps them into the yard waste bin. And he feels SO proud and important that he is my little helper. And he actually is a BIG help. But it doesn't matter... 2 hours later, we are covered with pine needles again! Just so you get an idea of how many I am talking about, we filled up 3/4 of our yard waste bin today with, yup, pine needles. Three-fourths of our bin with pine needles and we still have more...
Anyway, so I told Anthony that we should trim this damn tree- not that it would help with the pine needle situation but it did need a trim. Next thing I know, he's at the neighbor's house borrowing their ladder. And trimming he did! Way to go, A. However, he told me it was my job to clean up the mess. Which is no problem because we are a team, after all. So, here I am for an hour or so sawing these huge branches into smaller pieces. It was great stress relief. I don't mind the work but the thing that really upsets me is that all these trimmings and clippings would be SO great in another month to use as decorations for Christmas. They smelled so good and would look so nice as garland on our mantle or arranged in a vase with some holly. Well, I guess we will just have to have another tree trimming party closer to Christmas. (Sorry Anth). And that is my story of the pine needles. The never ending pine needles.
The Beginning
Well, I guess "blogging" is the "in thing" to do... and I'm just a little behind the game. Everyone- friends, family, co-workers- have been telling me for some time that I should start a blog. "You should have a blog, post cute pictures of the kids, tell funny stories about the kids, tell what they are up too, etc." Not one person mentioned that I should write about my life, post my picture, tell funny stories about things that happen to me! Well, too bad, because here it is. I don't want to be that person who ONLY talks about her kids and has no life other than her kids. I will admit that Lo and Le are pretty awesome and of course, are a huge part of my life... and I know I will speak of them often but... I have a life too! You know- folding laundry, picking up the house, grocery shopping, that sort of thing! Just kidding. So, here's a peak into my life as a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, and super hero!!
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