I'm noticing that I will post a bunch... then have a big dry spell. Why you ask? I guess our busyness comes and goes in spurts. It seems like we will have nothing going on and then all of a sudden, 5 social engagements in 1 week, the same week that I have 4 meetings scheduled for work, plus my annual review, editing due for my dad, and the start of new activities for the kids (skiing for Lo and dance class for Le). Needless to say, we are all doing well... happy and healthy!!
Isn't it funny how life works???
PS- We just got tickets to go to NY in a few weeks! So excited to visit and catch up with old friends!!
Monday, January 22, 2007
An Inconvenient Truth
My friend Karen (as well as my parents) mentioned and recommended this movie a while ago. I saw the book in Barnes and Nobles a few weeks ago and just finished reading it... amazing pictures by the way! And A and I just finished watching the movie. Man, this is deeply moving, scary, and enlightening all at once.
Some things that amazed me:
A quote by Winston Churchill, 1936
"The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to its close. In its place, we are entering a period of consequences." All I have to say is: SO TRUE!
Global Warming: In the summer of 2003, Europe was hit by a massive heatwave that killed 35,000 people. Yes, that's right 35,000.
For the first time in history, during the 2005 hurricane season, the World Meteorological Organization ran out of alphabet letters for the names of hurricanes and had to start using the letters of the Greek alphabet to name the tropical storms and hurricanes that kept coming.
We are facing what biologists are beginning to call as a mass extinction crisis, with a rate of extinction now 1,000 times higher than the normal rate.
Coral reefs throughout the ocean are being killed in large numbers due to global warming. In addition, there are now "dead zones" devoid of ocean life throughout the world.
If Greenland melted or broke up and slipped into sea, sea levels will increase by between 18 and 20 feet. So much of our land- land where people live and work, would be underwater. Sir David King, UK Science Advisor, states that, "The maps of the world will have to be redrawn."
The Kyoto Treaty (a treaty developed to help countries reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases) has been ratified by 132 nations in the developed world. The only two advanced nations that have not ratified Kyoto are the US and Australia.
These are just a FEW of the MANY important facts/issues/concerns that this movie/book addresses. Bottom line: This is serious. We need to take action. Now.
And to end it all,
"We have everything we need to begin solving the climate crisis- save, perhaps, political will. But in America, political will is a renewable resource." Let's make a change!!!
"Each one of us is a cause in global warming, but each one of us can become part of the solution: in the decisions we make on what we buy, the amount of electricity we use, the cars we drive, and how we live our lives. We can even make choices to bring our individual carbon emissions level to zero."
The Earth is our only home. And this is what is at stake. Our ability to live on planet Earth- to have a future as a civilization. It is our time to rise again to secure our future."
Some things that amazed me:
A quote by Winston Churchill, 1936
"The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to its close. In its place, we are entering a period of consequences." All I have to say is: SO TRUE!
Global Warming: In the summer of 2003, Europe was hit by a massive heatwave that killed 35,000 people. Yes, that's right 35,000.
For the first time in history, during the 2005 hurricane season, the World Meteorological Organization ran out of alphabet letters for the names of hurricanes and had to start using the letters of the Greek alphabet to name the tropical storms and hurricanes that kept coming.
We are facing what biologists are beginning to call as a mass extinction crisis, with a rate of extinction now 1,000 times higher than the normal rate.
Coral reefs throughout the ocean are being killed in large numbers due to global warming. In addition, there are now "dead zones" devoid of ocean life throughout the world.
If Greenland melted or broke up and slipped into sea, sea levels will increase by between 18 and 20 feet. So much of our land- land where people live and work, would be underwater. Sir David King, UK Science Advisor, states that, "The maps of the world will have to be redrawn."
The Kyoto Treaty (a treaty developed to help countries reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases) has been ratified by 132 nations in the developed world. The only two advanced nations that have not ratified Kyoto are the US and Australia.
These are just a FEW of the MANY important facts/issues/concerns that this movie/book addresses. Bottom line: This is serious. We need to take action. Now.
And to end it all,
"We have everything we need to begin solving the climate crisis- save, perhaps, political will. But in America, political will is a renewable resource." Let's make a change!!!
"Each one of us is a cause in global warming, but each one of us can become part of the solution: in the decisions we make on what we buy, the amount of electricity we use, the cars we drive, and how we live our lives. We can even make choices to bring our individual carbon emissions level to zero."
The Earth is our only home. And this is what is at stake. Our ability to live on planet Earth- to have a future as a civilization. It is our time to rise again to secure our future."
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Snow Day

What's with the ice, wind, rain, snow, and sleet in Seattle? I feel like I am living back in NY!! Needless to say, it has been fun- school canceled and delayed, sledding and snowmen building, snowball fights, and plenty of hot chocolate for all. The kids have enjoyed the time playing with the neighborhood kids in the snow and I am glad they all get to experience the fun. I have great memories of upstate NY snow days! Here's a few photos from the Winter Wonderland in Seattle.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
On Good Advice
While reading Wonder Time magazine, I stumbled across these words of wisdom, collected from the magazine's advisory board. I thought they made a lot of sense!
1. Smile more; your face speaks volume to your child.
2. Three things to say more often: "Take your time," It's not your fault," and "I'm sorry, you're right."
3. Listen more, talk less- your CHILD is the best teacher you'll ever have.
4. Care as much about other people's children as you do about your own.
5. Remember that kids don't learn by having knowledge poured into their brains; they learn by experience and through relationships.
6. Expose your child to noble people.
Pretty cool, in my book. Sometimes it is helpful to read these gentle reminders!!
1. Smile more; your face speaks volume to your child.
2. Three things to say more often: "Take your time," It's not your fault," and "I'm sorry, you're right."
3. Listen more, talk less- your CHILD is the best teacher you'll ever have.
4. Care as much about other people's children as you do about your own.
5. Remember that kids don't learn by having knowledge poured into their brains; they learn by experience and through relationships.
6. Expose your child to noble people.
Pretty cool, in my book. Sometimes it is helpful to read these gentle reminders!!
Monday, January 8, 2007
Make-Up Parties for Girls
Here I go "over-thinking" again...
So, this article in today's Seattle PI caught my attention. It talks about spa and make-up birthday parties for young girls (starting at age 4 up until the early teen years) where they go and get manicures, fancy hairstyles, make-up applications, and get to dress up in play gowns. Sounds like fun, right? Children's salon and spa's such as Club Libby Lu's are opening all over the country. My initial reaction was, "How fun. Wouldn't it be cute to go and get a pedicure with Little Leah?" Mind you, she is only 2 and yes, I have painted her toes myself! Then I got thinking a little bit. My only concern is that women and young girls have all this pressure to look a certain way, to be thin, wear the right clothes and make-up, and live up to images on tv and in magazines- many images that are impossible to attain while living a healthy lifestyle. I worry about this. Do these parties give girls the impression that it is important to be pretty? That they have to look and act a certain way? Are we forcing little girls to grow up too fast? I'm not sure. Yes, there has to be a middle ground and these youngsters need to realize that this "dress up" is just for fun. And that's where we as parents come in. I hope to raise my daughter as a confident and secure individual who is comfortable with herself but who also realizes that it is fun and okay to play dress up and get made up once in a while. I mean, hey, we as adults like to, right!?!?
I guess it's kinda like the Superhero/Gun/Fighting/Violent games and toy debate with boys. I think moderation is the key and being open and honest with our children.
Please share your thoughts and ideas...
Kim K- What do you think? I know Samantha did the Libby Lu thing in Syracuse and it sounded like a special thing that you guys did together- which is great. Does Libby Lu take it too far? Does Samantha feel the pressure to look and act a certain way?
So, this article in today's Seattle PI caught my attention. It talks about spa and make-up birthday parties for young girls (starting at age 4 up until the early teen years) where they go and get manicures, fancy hairstyles, make-up applications, and get to dress up in play gowns. Sounds like fun, right? Children's salon and spa's such as Club Libby Lu's are opening all over the country. My initial reaction was, "How fun. Wouldn't it be cute to go and get a pedicure with Little Leah?" Mind you, she is only 2 and yes, I have painted her toes myself! Then I got thinking a little bit. My only concern is that women and young girls have all this pressure to look a certain way, to be thin, wear the right clothes and make-up, and live up to images on tv and in magazines- many images that are impossible to attain while living a healthy lifestyle. I worry about this. Do these parties give girls the impression that it is important to be pretty? That they have to look and act a certain way? Are we forcing little girls to grow up too fast? I'm not sure. Yes, there has to be a middle ground and these youngsters need to realize that this "dress up" is just for fun. And that's where we as parents come in. I hope to raise my daughter as a confident and secure individual who is comfortable with herself but who also realizes that it is fun and okay to play dress up and get made up once in a while. I mean, hey, we as adults like to, right!?!?
I guess it's kinda like the Superhero/Gun/Fighting/Violent games and toy debate with boys. I think moderation is the key and being open and honest with our children.
Please share your thoughts and ideas...
Kim K- What do you think? I know Samantha did the Libby Lu thing in Syracuse and it sounded like a special thing that you guys did together- which is great. Does Libby Lu take it too far? Does Samantha feel the pressure to look and act a certain way?
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Well, the Liquathon basically SUCKS. I have NO will power... I cheated and snacked and had some treats over the weekend! Even a glass of wine... but at least A was there with me. This is so hard to do. I was NOT hungry... just miserable. I wanted to eat! I missed eating! And honestly, I did not feel any different or notice that my body was detoxed, if you will. I know, I know, I need to follow the rules and give it more time. It just made A and myself SO miserable. And it limited our weekend activities. How can we hang out with friends if we can't eat or drink? Hhhmmm... And how can I eat NOTHING all day when I have 2 young ones who eat non-stop throughout the day?!?! Aaaahhhhh. I need advice. I need encouragement. Misa and Ann- how did you do this? Well, Misa, I know you snuck in some snacks here and there!!
My plan for the week is to continue the Liquathon and eat raw fruits and veges. This will at least fulfill my wanting to eat. I will just have to suck it up and not eat crap!! Tomorrow is a new day... I am ready for the challenge! LIQUATHON- here I come! I am ready and prepared for a week of success!
My plan for the week is to continue the Liquathon and eat raw fruits and veges. This will at least fulfill my wanting to eat. I will just have to suck it up and not eat crap!! Tomorrow is a new day... I am ready for the challenge! LIQUATHON- here I come! I am ready and prepared for a week of success!
Why is it that:
- whenever I'm finished doing housework and ready to relax with a book or sit in front of the tv, one of the kids wakes up from nap time?
- it is the windiest and rainiest day of the month when I want to go exploring at the beach with my family?
- both kids must have my attention right when the phone rings?
- my kids are model students at preschool but little hellions at home?
- I get so excited to watch my favorite tv show after the kids are in bed only to find out the show is a repeat?
- my house is trashed 2 hours after my cleaning ladies come?
- all my meetings for work happen to fall at the same time on the same day?
- on days when everyone is "going crazy", no one is home to come over to play?
- I realize I am out of eggs half way through making the batch of brownies or cookies?
- I procrastinate on getting work done and then have to work like a madman into the wee hours of the night to finish projects? And this is the same night that both Logan and Leah are up every two hours?
And last why is it that:
- all my troubles go away when I hear my kids laugh or when my kids run up to me and give me the biggest hug ever?
It's moments like these that remind me to live in the moment, take a deep breath, forget about the little annoyances of life, and be thankful for ALL that I have!
- whenever I'm finished doing housework and ready to relax with a book or sit in front of the tv, one of the kids wakes up from nap time?
- it is the windiest and rainiest day of the month when I want to go exploring at the beach with my family?
- both kids must have my attention right when the phone rings?
- my kids are model students at preschool but little hellions at home?
- I get so excited to watch my favorite tv show after the kids are in bed only to find out the show is a repeat?
- my house is trashed 2 hours after my cleaning ladies come?
- all my meetings for work happen to fall at the same time on the same day?
- on days when everyone is "going crazy", no one is home to come over to play?
- I realize I am out of eggs half way through making the batch of brownies or cookies?
- I procrastinate on getting work done and then have to work like a madman into the wee hours of the night to finish projects? And this is the same night that both Logan and Leah are up every two hours?
And last why is it that:
- all my troubles go away when I hear my kids laugh or when my kids run up to me and give me the biggest hug ever?
It's moments like these that remind me to live in the moment, take a deep breath, forget about the little annoyances of life, and be thankful for ALL that I have!
Friday, January 5, 2007
Leah's Nap Routine

So, Leah has added some new twists to her nap time:
1- We go in room, read books, and put Leah in crib- the usual routine.
2- I leave the room and then the FUN begins!
3- Leah climbs out of her crib, and puts ALL of her toys into her crib. ALL of them.
4- She then plays for a while and then climbs out and...
5- SLEEPS UNDER HER CRIB! Yes, under. It is SO funny.
6- I went in there to see what was going on and she was all curled up under her crib. At first I was scared b/c I couldn't find the girl! It was so funny. She opened her eyes and I asked her if she wanted to go in her crib but she said, "No, Mama, I sleep under bed. I like it here."
Silly, crazy girl! Needless to say, her nap times are getting shorter and shorter while her play alone times in her room are getting longer and longer!
Oh- This picture illustrates how I found her this afternoon when I came to get her from her nap. She was up on top of her changing table, happily reading a book! And the sleep saga continues...
Some of you may know, some may not...
A and I started to do a 13 day Liquathon diet. It consists of drinking a special vitamin mix every 2 hours, with plenty of water in between and no food!! 13 days! Yikes! And why are we doing this you ask? Well, for one thing, it is completely natural, and still gives us the vitamins and nutrition we need. It is a detox, cleanse, that focuses on improving all body systems. It is a way for me to lose a little weight and to jump start my healthy living routine. Not that I am extremely unhealthy- we don't eat fast food and a lot of junk, but I do LOVE my sweets! And exercise is not on my list of fun things to do although I AM back into the routine of going to the gym! So, the Liquathon it is! We are on Day 3 and it's going okay. I am NOT hungry but I DO want to eat... you are allowed to eat fruits and veges if need be BUT we are trying to hold out! It is easiest when I am at work but hard when I am home and have to feed the kids. I have had a few bites of vege booty here and there.. just to satisfy my craving. So, I'll give you an update and report again in a few days! Wish me luck- I need it!!!
Check it out at:
Go to PRODUCTS and scroll down to LIQUATHON
You can read all about it!
A and I started to do a 13 day Liquathon diet. It consists of drinking a special vitamin mix every 2 hours, with plenty of water in between and no food!! 13 days! Yikes! And why are we doing this you ask? Well, for one thing, it is completely natural, and still gives us the vitamins and nutrition we need. It is a detox, cleanse, that focuses on improving all body systems. It is a way for me to lose a little weight and to jump start my healthy living routine. Not that I am extremely unhealthy- we don't eat fast food and a lot of junk, but I do LOVE my sweets! And exercise is not on my list of fun things to do although I AM back into the routine of going to the gym! So, the Liquathon it is! We are on Day 3 and it's going okay. I am NOT hungry but I DO want to eat... you are allowed to eat fruits and veges if need be BUT we are trying to hold out! It is easiest when I am at work but hard when I am home and have to feed the kids. I have had a few bites of vege booty here and there.. just to satisfy my craving. So, I'll give you an update and report again in a few days! Wish me luck- I need it!!!
Check it out at:
Go to PRODUCTS and scroll down to LIQUATHON
You can read all about it!
Monday, January 1, 2007
Happy New Year
As I sit here at my brother's on New Year's Day, we were all talking about resolutions and what we hope for in 2007. More than anything, I hope for continued health and happiness for my family and friends. I really am so lucky and the fact that I have 2 healthy kids is enough for me! Sure, I wish I had this and that, but really, I can't complain. Specifically, for 2007, I hope to be the best wife and mother that I can be. This means being more patience, calm, and understanding at times. I will provide my family with support and love and will try to treat difficult situations as learning opportunities. As an educator, I hope to make a continued impact on the lives of the kids that I teach. I have such a GREAT group of second and third graders that I work with and I hope to provide them with learning experiences that are meaningful, engaging, and enriching. I hope to demonstrate my competence as a teacher through the completion of my teaching portfolio for permanent certification in Washington state. So, having said all that, I resolve to live life to the fullest, enjoy my friends and family, and be the best person I can be. I look forward to seeing what the year 2007 will bring us... and all of you!! Happy New Year!
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