Monday, January 22, 2007

Catch Up

I'm noticing that I will post a bunch... then have a big dry spell. Why you ask? I guess our busyness comes and goes in spurts. It seems like we will have nothing going on and then all of a sudden, 5 social engagements in 1 week, the same week that I have 4 meetings scheduled for work, plus my annual review, editing due for my dad, and the start of new activities for the kids (skiing for Lo and dance class for Le). Needless to say, we are all doing well... happy and healthy!!

Isn't it funny how life works???
PS- We just got tickets to go to NY in a few weeks! So excited to visit and catch up with old friends!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, what's up? Haven't heard anything in a while. Maybe you are in NY? How did your fast go?

Laura said...

Just busy Karen... I'm sure you know how it is! We are actually in Wenatchee/Mission Ridge for mini-vacation/ski trip now. All is well... keep on posting. I love reading your blog and hearing what you all are up to. NY trip is in a few weeks.