Sunday, January 7, 2007


Well, the Liquathon basically SUCKS. I have NO will power... I cheated and snacked and had some treats over the weekend! Even a glass of wine... but at least A was there with me. This is so hard to do. I was NOT hungry... just miserable. I wanted to eat! I missed eating! And honestly, I did not feel any different or notice that my body was detoxed, if you will. I know, I know, I need to follow the rules and give it more time. It just made A and myself SO miserable. And it limited our weekend activities. How can we hang out with friends if we can't eat or drink? Hhhmmm... And how can I eat NOTHING all day when I have 2 young ones who eat non-stop throughout the day?!?! Aaaahhhhh. I need advice. I need encouragement. Misa and Ann- how did you do this? Well, Misa, I know you snuck in some snacks here and there!!

My plan for the week is to continue the Liquathon and eat raw fruits and veges. This will at least fulfill my wanting to eat. I will just have to suck it up and not eat crap!! Tomorrow is a new day... I am ready for the challenge! LIQUATHON- here I come! I am ready and prepared for a week of success!


Kim Kimball said...


Anonymous said...

You've gotten this far already, just keep with it. Eat your fruits and veggies and hopefully that will help.

Benna Bazooka (ALB) said...

How about if you do it, I'LL do it too? Support from 7000 miles away? Cool. ;)