Monday, March 5, 2007

Going Green

My friend Karen is SO on top of "living a greener life" and taking action to make changes that will positively impact our world! She even started a website/blog with her sister-in-law. Check it out at Green Girl's Guide. I am inspired to do what I can do in our little part of the world to make a difference. This can be a but overwhelming at first, but once you get going, the change is easy... and it makes a big difference!

To begin with, I signed up to reduce our "junk mail" and "credit card offers". A company named "Green Dimes" will do this for you for a minimal fee.. and will plant a tree in your name for each month that you are a member. Check it out! Green Dimes

Other simple things Team Robinson has done:
- I bought 4 reusable grocery bags from Trader Joe's and use these when I go shopping! No more plastic bags that are a pain to begin with!
- We switched all of our cleaners to non-toxic, environmental friendly cleaners. I LOVE the Mrs. Myers brand along with the products!
- I now bring my own coffee mug when getting a latte/mocha before work and I purchased a non-leaching water bottle to use instead of buying plastic water bottles.
- We switched to the more energy-efficient light bulbs and make sure to turn off all lights when we are not in a room. We also turned out heat down by 1-2 degrees.
- In addition, we turned down our hot water heater and only wash clothes on the cold cycle!

My next step is to look at environmental friendly make-up and facial products that will positively benefit myself and the enviroment!

So, a BIG thanks to Karen and Laura for jump-starting these efforts and making us all aware of the little things that we can do to make a difference! I did it... what will you do????


Anonymous said...

I am so thrilled to hear that you are inspired by our little endeavour! This is what it is all about - inspiring people to think about their impact and make a difference. Imagine what this world would be like if we all made small changes. It all adds up!

Ali said...

Hey Laura-
Just wanted to let you know that I just signed Pat and I up for Greendimes as well :)

Laura said...

Yeah Ali- Glad you finally commented on the blog... :)

And, thanks again to Karen!