Saturday, May 19, 2007

A Big Day in the Life of a 4.5 Year Old

Who: Logan

What: Learns how to ride a 2-Wheeler!!!

Where: Strip of sidewalk in front of our house and school park

Why: Dada convinced him it was time to step up in the bike riding department (and he wanted to!). Hey, if the kid can ski down black diamonds, he should be able to ride a bike!

When: Between the hours of 2 and 9PM... he'd still be out there now if we let him!

How: After the convincing, it took 2 tries and then he was sailing like the wind. And away he goes...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Logan! We were just thinking about taking Liam's training wheels off too! I think he would get the hang of it in no time.