So, I've always been a little hesitant about taking my kids to the wading pools (or waving pools, as Logan calls them) at the local parks. Call me a little overprotective, crazy, or whatever, but something just doesn't sit right with me... maybe all the kids with swim diapers that leak, maybe all the chemicals they dump in the water, maybe the fact that the pools are packed with kids- I just don't know but I've always been a bit tentative about taking the Lo and the Le there. Anyway, one hot afternoon, my neighbor calls and tells us that she is going to the wading pool up the street. It's been a long day, so, of course, I jump at the chance... after getting ready for about 45 minutes (packing snacks, drinks, towels, extra clothes, pool toys, changing kids into bathing suits, and slathering on sunscreen) we are ready to go. We get there and the kids have a BLAST!!! I mean, total fun! The park is empty, Cathy and I are sitting on the blanket and actually having an adult conversation without interruption and all is good, make that, great!! I am thinking, okay, tell me again why I haven't done this before..... oh, yes, my craziness!!!
So fast forward a bit, (after I checked with the lifeguard and bombarded her with questions about the bacterial levels, chemical amounts, etc, etc, etc,) when all of a sudden a mom says, "There's glass in the pool, glass, all over." And I'm thinking, okay, is she nuts or what? The lifeguard comes into the pool, looks around, and sure enough, there is glass all on the bottom of the pool. All of the moms and dads get in the pool (with flip flops on) and start picking it out. Meanwhile, the lifeguard tells all the kids to get out of the pool. Of course, right them, Logan starts screaming, "My foot, my foot, ouch, I got stung." Big tears... I go over to him and check out his foot, and yes, my son was THE KID who got cut on the glass... no, it wasn't a cut that required stitches (well, maybe it did) but it was a pretty serious cut... We get him all settled down, bandaged up and good to go. I am thinking, tell me again...
Why did I decide to come to the wading pool?
Oh I remember, because the kids love the water, are happily playing with our neighbors, it is a hot day, and why not go to the wading pool???? Free, convenient, and fun!
Will I go again?
Yes, it was great fun, relaxing (up until the glass incident), and a prefect place for a hot day!!!
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