Here I am again, thinking, man, where did the time go? Am I really that busy? I know I am an organized person... just ask anyone who knows me real well!! Yes, I am working part-time, raising (along with Anth) a 4 year old and a 2 year old, and doing work for Big6/Super3, but when you look at our calendar, it seems (somewhat) empty. The day to day living (laundry, cleaning the house, more laundry, dishes, packing school bags and getting ready for preschool, playing with and enjoying my wonderful family, laundry (yet again), and grocery shopping is really keeping Team Robinson busy... and Anthony is pretty good about helping out!
All in all, life is good and I don't mean to bitch and complain (again having 2 beautiful and healthy kids along with a supportive family is more than enough) but, boy, I would love to come home from work and take a nap... would love to watch the latest episode of Oprah... cook a really nice meal instead of "throwing" stuff together... read the daily/weekend newspaper instead of recycling it... etc.
I love being a mom- it is simply the best... but it is also the hardest thing ever.
I couldn't agree more! ;-)
It's nice to hear that I'm not the only one who thinks this way! Thanks.
uh.. is that a picture of your calendar? And you think it looks empty. EEK! ha ha I know what you mean. I would love a quiet night w/ a book ... no tv.. no kids.. uh, no husband.. ha ha
No, no... not my calendar!!! I found it on flicker! I couldn't imagine! A night alone sounds like... heaven!!
Oh okay.. well that makes me feel a bit better! :)
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