Just a few words about our weekend.
Thursday- Lo falls and cuts his lip. One stitch on the outside, one stitch on the inside. Fun, fun!
Friday- Lo decided to jump out of a tree house and fractures his little foot. Yes, more fun for all.
Saturday- After screaming in pain all night because of a toothache, Logan has to have a tooth pulled because of a cavity that is down to the nerve and is beginning to get infected! Fun, fun, and more fun.
Poor guy had a rough few days! However, he was a TROOPER, so BRAVE and COOPERATIVE at ALL the doctor visits. We love you Lo... and no more accidents!!
Poor Logan! Here's fingers crossed for no more incidents! Does he have a cast on his foot?
No, cast... just an ace bandage type thing. The fracture was on the top- not too serious.
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