Our big day... watch out Land of Nod... here we come!!!
Say Cheese!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Game Night
We try to have a family game night at least once a week before bed instead of the standard 'ole tv show. It's great fun to hang together and see the intense interest and concentration of the L kids. They take these games SO seriously and get so involved. Logan is great at explaining all the directions to us and Leah is too cute when she cheers everyone on! And yes, everyone is pretty good about the turn taking and no winning or losing but having fun mentality.
Team Interview:
How do you feel about game night?
Anth- Fun. We need to kick it up a notch with Monopoly or Risk. They're ready for it.
Laura- Game night is super fun. We sit, play, talk, laugh, learn, and relax!! What could be better?
Logan- I love to play games and I wish we could play 15 games each night! But we compromise and usually do about 4.
Leah- I love, love, love, love to play Candy Land. It is so fun and I wish I could eat up all the candy... for real!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Never Did I Think...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Logan's Creation
I should have known Le was sick when she took a nap outside instead of playing in the pool this afternoon.

Just when all the laundry was folded and put away, dinner was on the stove, phone had stopped ringing, kids were quiet, toys/clothes/shoes/etc were picked up, and I was about to pour myself a deserving glass of wine, I heard a loud scream and cry from downstairs...
Of course, I put the wine on hold and quickly ran down to see what was going on. Little Leah had thrown up all over... on the couch, blankets, pillows, floor, and herself. Oh, my heart just went out to her. This was the first time that she had "really gotten sick" and she had no idea what was going on. She took a shower, got all cleaned up, and went to bed... threw up a few more times in the process of all this... and I am, yes again, spending time with my good friends known as the washer and dryer. I did first hose everything down outside so this helped a bit.
Anth and Logan were great... They helped Leah and then walked to the store to pick up some crackers/bananas/gatorade for her while she got settled. Logan was so cute... as soon as he heard that Leah had gotten sick, he ran into her room, got all her dolls and put barrettes and clips in their hair. He carried about 5 of them to Leah and said, "Le, Are you okay? I am so so sorry you throwed up and I got these for you to help you feel better."
What a guy... I am a proud Mama.
And Leah... after she calmed down, said, "Mom, it's not funny. It's not funny that I did the throw up, it's just sad." Poor baby!! (And no, we were not laughing at all! )
Wish us well... a quick bout of the bug for Le that doesn't get worse and pass through all of us.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Logan the Wonder Boy in Love
Logan and I had a great discussion at bedtime tonight. Mind you, this is after he played with his best buddy, Abby. It went something like this:
**Just picture Logan in all his seriousness and his little inquisitive mind.**
**Also, it should be noted that Logan did not look at me while we were talking. He would walk around his room, sit next to me, get back up, come back to the bed... but he didn't look at me. I noticed that he was deeply concentrating on his thoughts and ideas as we talked.
**I was concentrating on getting the little guy to bed but clearly, he needed a little question and answer time.
Lo- So, Abby is nice, huh?
Me- Yah, she is a good friend.
Lo- Well, what do you like about her?
Me- Hhhm. What do I like? She plays and shares and...
Lo- She's cute, too. And nice.
Me- Nod in agreement.
Lo- Boys usually marry girls and girls marry boys but sometimes girls marry girls and boys marry boys.
Me- Yes, Logan, that's right. You marry who you love.
Lo- I wonder if dogs marry and cats and bunnies and things all marry.
Lo- Well, who do you think I should marry?
Me- It's hard to tell now because you are five and people usually get married when they are older. I think you should marry someone who you love.
Lo- Well, like, who do you think, though?
Me- Who do you think, Lo?
Lo- I do like Abby. Do you think Abby would like a boyfriend? Or does she have one? I mean, who is her boyfriend?
Me- Geee, I'm not too sure Logan but I think she does like playing with you.
Lo- But do you think she likes me?
Me- Yes, I do because she plays with you a lot and you are good friends. And you have fun together.
Lo- Yah, she's nice. I wonder if she wants to get married.
Me- You just never know but I do know that Abby like you.
Lo- Yah, she does.
Long pause and then I direct Logan to bed. We say our good nights and as I leave the room he tells me one more thing.
Lo- Wait, Mama. Okay, well Mama, I am going to tell you something but don't tell Abby because if you do I will throw you out of the house and you will be homeless. But I guess I am Abby's boyfriend but I am not going to tell her.
Me- That's great, Logan. I loved talking with you about this and I won't tell Abby.
And with that, he went to bed with a big smile on his face!!
Oh, I love it!!
I am so glad that my little guy is comfortable talking about his love life with his 'ole Mama!! Let's hope our relationship is always this open...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Summer is here... finally... I hope!
After weeks of cold, cloudy, and rainy, 40-50 degree weather, we had a perfect summer day!
You know it's summer at Team Robinson when:
* there is a constant trail of sand and grass throughout the house.
* the L kids each go through about 5 outfits and 4 bathing suits a day.
* you can't find any towels because the kids left them ALL outside.
* all our cups are dirty (and left outside) because the L kids feel that it is necessary to get a new cup every time you need a drink.
* someone is crying because there is sunscreen in their eyes.
* I am reminded that we need to buy new popsicles tomorrow because all 24 of them got eaten today.
* the sun sets at 9:30pm and we're all still out in the backyard playing and having fun! What could be better?
Welcome back, Summer!!!
1. When at gymnastics: "Mom, I have my pink leotard on and Monet has her pink Monet-a-tard on, too." (I am thinking, what are you talking about, Le? But she was exactly right- she wears a Leah-a-tard so Monet must wear a Monet-a-tard!)
2. "Mom, I asked you a million times to help me and I am not going to ask again."
(When she needed help getting her clothes on)
3. "I have to come inside because the hose and water are making me crazy."
(While watering plants in the back-yard)
4. "I wanna stay three forever because four is a boys number and I only like three. Forever." (She also says that she only wants to eat junk food and not "grow food" because she doesn't want to get any bigger!)
5. At bedtime: "Mom. You can lay down with me if I don't talk at all but you can leave if I do talk and make too much noise." (Of course, she talks and talks and talks and talks some more!)
6. Dada to Logan: "What's your favorite number?"
Logan: "5, of course."
Dada to Leah: "What's your favorite number?"
Leah: "I don't like numbers."
7. When someone (99.9% of the time, Logan) hits her, she says: "It's not funny. It's not funny at all." Even though no one is laughing.
8. Dada to Leah: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Leah: "Dad, remember, I'm gonna stay three forever and not be "grow-ed" up. Okay."
Leah rules. She is awesome in every way and she's got the world all figured out!! Go Leah!
2. "Mom, I asked you a million times to help me and I am not going to ask again."
(When she needed help getting her clothes on)
3. "I have to come inside because the hose and water are making me crazy."
(While watering plants in the back-yard)
4. "I wanna stay three forever because four is a boys number and I only like three. Forever." (She also says that she only wants to eat junk food and not "grow food" because she doesn't want to get any bigger!)
5. At bedtime: "Mom. You can lay down with me if I don't talk at all but you can leave if I do talk and make too much noise." (Of course, she talks and talks and talks and talks some more!)
6. Dada to Logan: "What's your favorite number?"
Logan: "5, of course."
Dada to Leah: "What's your favorite number?"
Leah: "I don't like numbers."
7. When someone (99.9% of the time, Logan) hits her, she says: "It's not funny. It's not funny at all." Even though no one is laughing.
8. Dada to Leah: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Leah: "Dad, remember, I'm gonna stay three forever and not be "grow-ed" up. Okay."
Leah rules. She is awesome in every way and she's got the world all figured out!! Go Leah!
Friday, June 6, 2008
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