Just when all the laundry was folded and put away, dinner was on the stove, phone had stopped ringing, kids were quiet, toys/clothes/shoes/etc were picked up, and I was about to pour myself a deserving glass of wine, I heard a loud scream and cry from downstairs...
Of course, I put the wine on hold and quickly ran down to see what was going on. Little Leah had thrown up all over... on the couch, blankets, pillows, floor, and herself. Oh, my heart just went out to her. This was the first time that she had "really gotten sick" and she had no idea what was going on. She took a shower, got all cleaned up, and went to bed... threw up a few more times in the process of all this... and I am, yes again, spending time with my good friends known as the washer and dryer. I did first hose everything down outside so this helped a bit.
Anth and Logan were great... They helped Leah and then walked to the store to pick up some crackers/bananas/gatorade for her while she got settled. Logan was so cute... as soon as he heard that Leah had gotten sick, he ran into her room, got all her dolls and put barrettes and clips in their hair. He carried about 5 of them to Leah and said, "Le, Are you okay? I am so so sorry you throwed up and I got these for you to help you feel better."
What a guy... I am a proud Mama.
And Leah... after she calmed down, said, "Mom, it's not funny. It's not funny that I did the throw up, it's just sad." Poor baby!! (And no, we were not laughing at all! )
Wish us well... a quick bout of the bug for Le that doesn't get worse and pass through all of us.
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