What's wrong with video games? I mean, we're not talking about the "shoot you down, steal your car, kill you games" (although a little Star Wars Legos isn't that bad) but the games where you progress through mazes in order to get a treasure, drive the monster truck through a series of challenging tracks, or the ones where you create a virtual farm, amusement park, or city. And I do have to say, Club Penguin is my personal favorite.
Now, my boy... and those of you who know him will agree, I think... is an active boy. Not out of control (maybe, sometimes) but the kid likes to be on the go. All the time. So what's wrong with sitting him down on the computer to calm his little body? And if I may say, he knows exactly how to log on to his profile, open the browser, and sign on to one of many websites that we've introduced him to. Yes, we've started him on this virtual playground of video games. Now, he doesn't spend a ton of time on the computer, but so what if he did?? Is this bad? Will he not be as smart? Will he become isolated and unsocial? No, I don't think so. At all. Again, Logan is an extremely bright, articulate, and social little guy. If fact, I think the computer helps his overall being... it calms him down, enables him to focus his energy, and develops his fine-motor and visual-spatial skills, and overall eye-hand coordination. I think it's just fine if my boy wants to play the computer or XBox for just a slice of his day. If fact, I encourage it. After all, look at how much time we adults spend on the computer or in front of the box. I know I do my fair share.