Friday, August 29, 2008


Every now and then I get into a "writers block"... I have great thought, ideas, and stories to share but sometimes... the words just don't flow. There's certainly enough excitement in my life to fill pages and pages of stories but I just haven't been able to convey my ideas in writing that I am satisfied with. Anyway, I'm hoping this "block" is over and I'm back on track!

A few things:

Quotes from Leah:
"Mama, I love you but Gramma is so, so, so cute and nice."
"Why is Reese and Beck's house not as messy as ours?"

Quotes from Logan:
"Mom, can you please just leave your Ipod touch at home today... I promise to share with Leah."
"Mom, I'm on the phone with Uncle and he needs my help today so I need to go over there."

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Uncle RULES!

My brother got me an iPod touch for my b-day.

He's rad... I'm lucky he's my bro and my kids are super lucky he's their Unc.
Thanks Bri.