Friday, March 14, 2008

Fortunately, Unfortunately

Fortunately, I found something that actually works for my allergies!
Unfortunately, it is extremely nasty tasting. But, hey, it works!

Fortunately, my kids are getting awesome nutrition through our daily "green" smoothies.
Unfortunately, Leah threw hers all over the kitchen this morning because it was a "yucky brown-gray color."
**It is always a treat to see what color the daily smoothie will be. Apparently todays was NOT a favorite. Must have been the kale and blueberries mixed with everything else?? Needless to say, a lot of Le's morning was spent in time out... after she took her "slow little time" cleaning up her big mess!**

, my parents made it to Salt Lake City safely today.
Unfortunately, late yesterday, they realized that they were supposed to leave yesterday morning, not today!! Good one, guys!

Fortunately, Logan is very independent in his computer skills at the ripe age of 5... and has found some cool learning games.
Unfortunately, he also found Club Penguin and I am SO addicted to the damn game that I stay up all night playing it!!

Fortunately, I am reading an awesome book, The Tea Rose, for my book club.
Unfortunately, we meet this Friday and I'm on page 42 out of 557. I'm telling you, it's Club Penguin!!

Anthony's Picks

Matt Mays- On the Hood

Pretty cool song... weird video!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

"Mom, Guess What?"

Logan: "Mama, Mama, Guess what? I can climb the tree and get to the top of the fence and even sit on the top of the fence and get on Max's roof if I wanna!"

Leah: "Mommy, I can really do a flip on the trampoline... like this." And yes, she does it- well, more like a somersault.

I am thinking, ummm.... maybe those gymnastics classes aren't so good?!?!?!

PS- I LOVE that my kids enjoy playing outside so much! They are imaginative and creative... playing "surviving the wilderness", "the three pigs", making "stone soup"... and more. This is what it's all about! Not plastic toys that do the creating for you!!

PPS- Can you believe my babies are 5 and 3? And Lo will go to Kindergarten? Aaaahhh...