Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Check it Out

Want to stop a ton of junk mail and help the environment at the same time???
Go to Green Dimes:


Anthony and I joined a while ago and our junk mail has decreased dramatically. Well worth doing!!!

Kids are the cutest!

A sweet thing happened this afternoon. I was in the kitchen and Logan and Leah were in and out of the living room and their bedrooms. All of a sudden, Leah walks into the living room where Logan is, holding a piece of art that he made at school and says, "Logan, I loves this art you did. I loves it." Logan puts his toys down, stands up and walks over to Leah, gives her the biggest hug and says, "Thank you Leah, thanks. I made it for you, it's yours." He then asks her if she wants to hang it in her room. The two go into Le's room (with scotch tape that Logan grabbed from the art closet) and I hear Logan asking Leah where she wants to hang it. Leah says, "I want it over by my bookcase, Logan. Then I can look at it all night long and see it." Logan says, "Yah, Leah and it can help you feel safe and happy." And they both worked together to tape it next to her bookcase.

It was just one of those precious moments (which have been few and far between lately)!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

You know you're in trouble when...

1. The phone rings, you answer it and it's for your 4 years old son. And it's a girl.

2. The same 4 year old shows YOU how to get to his favorite computer game on the Internet.

3. Your 2 year old daughter tells you that "your blue shirt and brown pants don't really match."

4. Your 4 year old wants a Superman or Star Wars birthday party and your 2 year old wants a Princess- Cinderella Princess- or a Barbie birthday party... with a pinata.

5. Your husband wants a bouncy house for his birthday...seriously... because it makes everyone happy and it keeps the kids contained for more than 10 minutes.

6. Both your kids know all the words you spell to your husband because you don't want them to know what you are saying: g-u-m, t-r-e-a-t, b-e-d-t-i-m-e, p-a-r-k.

7. You think your kids are sleeping... but they are actually playing dominoes together in the living room!! Playing extremely nice with each other, using polite language, and taking turns!

8. You don't need to "lock" the fence gate anymore because your kids can climb over the fence if they want to get out.

9. Your son knows how to put Legos together better than you. He can follow the picture directions to make all sort of things- rockets, vehicles, submarines, construction equipment, and more!

10. Your daughter no longer lets you pick out clothes for her- she has to do it all by herself. And by golly, don't try to chance her mind or convince her otherwise.