Thursday, May 24, 2007

Quotes of the Day

Leah: "I did make a big mess in the fridg-er-ator with the applesauce, Mama."
(And boy, was it ever a mess!!)

Logan: "Uummm guys, Leah is having a little bit of trouble again in her room. It wasn't me, just Leah. I only came to check on her."

And we go in to find that she has destroyed her room again... clothes and toys everywhere... and Leah goes, "Hi, Wanna come to my princess party? You can come. It be fun for you."

Logan while playing outside with a ton of birds chirping: "These damn birds are driving my crazy."

Leah after she tormented a worm and killed it with a stick (she didn't do it on purpose): "Oh no, the wormy is mad now. He real sad, too." And she proceeded to study it for the next half-hour... with the stick!

Leah: "I did go to my school and played with My Jordan and My Eliza and My Karen and nobody else did. And Mama did play at John Hay with Misa!"

Logan coming inside for a snack: "Geeze, don't we have anything nutritious? I need nutritious to help me ride my bike- not sugary."

Leah: "Can't we just go to the store and get ice cream for us, all of us, like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 30, 100? And big, big ones for us?"

Leah after we tucked her into bed, comes to the top of the stairs and yells in a serious word-for-word manner: "Dada-you-did-not-give-me-a-kiss-or-a-huggy-you-need-a-come-up-and-do-it-again-Okay?"

And at bedtime, Logan: "Mama, you are my best girl friend and you are my best boy friend, Dada. And Leah is my best sister friend."

Saturday, May 19, 2007

A Big Day in the Life of a 4.5 Year Old

Who: Logan

What: Learns how to ride a 2-Wheeler!!!

Where: Strip of sidewalk in front of our house and school park

Why: Dada convinced him it was time to step up in the bike riding department (and he wanted to!). Hey, if the kid can ski down black diamonds, he should be able to ride a bike!

When: Between the hours of 2 and 9PM... he'd still be out there now if we let him!

How: After the convincing, it took 2 tries and then he was sailing like the wind. And away he goes...

Are we cute or what????

On the Nap Front

Well, Ms. Leah may be phasing out her naps (no, please, not yet). Sometimes she sleeps and sometimes, well, she plays. Her playing looks like this: emptying all her clothes out of her drawers (yes, all of them), dumping her toys out of her bins (and she has a ton of little pieces these days- Polly Pockets, Littlest Pet Shop, Barbie accessories and such), taking her many hair ties and "princess jewelry" and scattering it among her room like confetti, and sometimes, she even manages to roll up her rug!! It's kinda funny but a PAIN to clean up... and it gets old real fast. So, I'm taking suggestions on how to continue and prolong her naps. Any ideas? She gets a little crabby on the days that she doesn't sleep but it's not too bad. And both Lo and Le sleep real well at night (usually) so I can't complain too much. Well, off to catch some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's......

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Help Needed- Please Reply

You may have noticed "paint bedroom" has been on my to do list for quite some time now... Well, I just can't decide on the color... I got 2 new duvet covers that are white with different splashes of colors and flowers... maybe I'll try to take a picture... but anyway, I need to add color to the back wall of our room. Right now the wall is covered in test patches of different colors. Anthony thinks I should keep painting little spots of different colors all over and we can have a "color collage"...

Current Color Choices:

Terracotta Orange/Rust
Wine Color/Dark Rose
Smokey Blue

(I already decided it's a "no-go" on a moss green and a mustard yellow color). I just can't decide on the final color. I think I am leaning toward the wine/rose. Any suggestions? I want something calming and relaxing but just can't seem to find it!

I'm up for any advice and suggestion...

Room Pics

Here's a picture of our color collage wall and one of our new duvet covers.

Friday 5.11.07

9:30- Grocery Store
10:15- Pedicure
11:00- Home, pack kids lunch, head up to Imagine Children's Museum
11:30-3:30- PLAY, PLAY, PLAY with friends at Museum
4:00-7:00- Dinner with Gramma and Papa, PLAY with Monet, Olivia, Davis
7:00-8:00- TARGET
8:30- Home, Night-Night!!
8:30-10:30- Mommy Time!
11:00- Night-Night!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Not Regular... yet

So, I know I said I would begin posting more regularly but man, my days just fly by and I'm exhausted by the time I have a few extra minutes to relax. Anyway, things here are very good! Kids (and husband) are great... everyone is happy and healthy. With the nice weather (finally) here, we have been spending a TON of time outside. Lo and Le both love going on bike rides so that has been a daily ritual- well, A and I usually walk as the kids quickly pedal away from us.. but still, it's a nice family outing. A and I actually talked about getting ourselves bikes but I think the kids are still too young to do family bike rides- unless we do the whole bike trailer thing- and I just don't know if I'm in to that! We'll see...

It's 10:36pm- I have a birthday present to wrap, mail to go through, and yes, laundry to fold... so, I'm signing off now. More to come later....

PS- I (yes, it was me, not one of the kids) dropped our camera a while ago and it costs between $175-$250 to get fixed (which is why I haven't done it yet) so we have been "picture less". I finally couldn't stand it anymore, as Lo and Le get cuter and cuter every day, so on the way home from Gramma and Papa's tonight, Team Robinson stopped and got a nice new digital camera! So, keep your eyes out for new pictures coming soon!