Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 Top Ten

Team Robinson Top Ten of 2010

1- Being Together, Health and Wellness, Laughter, Good Fortune

2- Arts & Crafts, Projects, Sewing, and Creating

3- John Hay with MISA.

4- Seattle Summer- T-Ball Chipmunks and Baseball Astros, Spray Parks, Halhjem's Boat, Backyard BBQs, Block Party, Blue Angels w/ DeLeons, Navy Ship Tours, Berry Picking, and Fun in the SUN!

5- Summer Vacation with friends and family in NY. Best time ever! Fishing, SUN, JetSki, Swimming, 4-Wheelers, Cousins, Maple Farm, Kimball Family, Rodeo, Maddi, Hilary, and of course... Megan!!

6- Grammy and Poppy- enough said! Uncle, too.

7- LasVegas Birthday Trip.

8- Leah graduated from Pre-K and starts Kindergarten. Logan finishing 1st grade and is in 2nd Grade! Logan truly became a reader! Leah is on her way!

9- Disneyland!

10- New puppy, Stella!!!