Friday, April 6, 2007

Snowsuit to Swimsuit

So, this morning, Uncle came and took Logan skiing for the day! Great for them... and great for Le and I. We had her 2 year check-up today (I know, a little late) and she is just awesome!! 33 pounds and 37 inches tall! Dr. Allen was very impressed with all her skills and couldn't believe that she speaks in 9+ word sentences, can petal a trike, draw a smiley face, is potty trained, sleeps in a big girl bed, and eats a ton of fruits and vegetables! Go Leah!!!

Anyway, so while Logan and Uncle hit the mountains, Seattle was beaming with sunshine and warming up to a nice 70 degrees! As Leah was sleeping, among other things, I filled the wading pool and prepped the backyard for springtime fun- pool, bubbles, sandbox, and chalk! What more does one need? We spent the afternoon out back.. it was just great. Fresh air, sunshine, friends, and fun!! Logan thought it was pretty funny that he was skiing this morning and swimming in the pool this afternoon! And by the way, his skiing abilities are amazing. He "tears up the mountain and hits the jumps," as he says. And that's the truth! He speeds down the mountain (can ski anything, even the black diamonds!! Yikes!) doing the "pizza or french fries" and actually slides over the bumps and jumps! It is so great to see him- he just loves it and he is awesome- a natural!!
So, that was our day...just perfect!

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