Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Strep Throat x2

Ok, so I was sick about 3 weeks ago... real sick with horrible sore throat, temp, the whole deal. Went to the doctor and sure enough had strep throat. It sucked but I took medicine and got better.

Fast forward to this past Sunday: I woke up and felt like crap again... progressively got worse throughout the day. Went to the doctor on Monday and lo and behold, strep again. Why? How? This just sucks. Now I am on a super heavy antibiotic (which I hate taking but I need to get better) and am slowly starting to feel better.

Just needed to vent about this crazy sickness- it's not fun. Let's keep our fingers crossed that no one else in the family gets it and that this is the END!


Meg said...

Strep must be in the air 'cuz I got it too..... What a way to start the summer!!!

Laura said...

Oh man, we must be spreading germs long distance!! Feel better!

Unknown said...

sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well :( - Get better soon!