Sunday, August 26, 2007

Mission Accomplished: 8/26/2007

1. Solved plumbing situation... (see previous post).
2. Set 7 fence posts in concrete... (we're almost there).
3. Backyard clean-up and lawn care... (still more to do but every little bit helps).
4. Home Depot/Fred Meyers/Sunday Market... (what's a day without shopping?).
5. Acclimated new babysitter... (kids loved her).
6. Drinks and a light dinner for A and L... (gotta have that adult time).
7. Washed mini-van... (AKA: The Black Hawk).
8. Coordinated schedule for week... (because we're oh, so busy!).
9. Toy clean-up and clean-out... (yes, again).
10. Attempted to watch High School Musical... (realized we're too old for this stuff).

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