Sunday, November 11, 2007

Deep Thoughts

Just the other day, I popped in the movie Pinocchio for the L kids to watch while I did a little folding of the never-ending laundry. It was a movie I remember from my youth– though I can say that I didn't remember all the details. Honestly, I was shocked at what I saw. It seemed far too dark for my almost 5 and almost 3 year old. I’ve always loved Disney movies– call it marketing at its best, but I’ve always had a special place for them. Disney equals good in my book.

But then, I thought about Sleeping Beauty, The Jungle Book, Bambi, and Snow White to name a few. Kinda Scary. Eating a poisonous apple? A young deer who loses his mother in the middle of a forest? An evil stepmother who orders a hunter to kill her stepdaughter because she is the "fairest of them all?" Hhmmmm... things I want my kids to see? Values I want to teach them? Not so much. Young children should not have unnecessary worries and, in my book, that involves some of the darker themes that come with certain children's movies.

And no, I am not bashing on Disney. Actually, Little Le and I went to see Disney Princesses on Ice just tonight! We had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed the scenery, dancing, singing, and skating. I will say, however, that there were some very scary moments throughout the production- a large fire breathing dragon comes out in a cloud of smoke, pirates fight each other with swords, and a boat becomes shipwreck during an ocean storm. Necessary parts of the show? Not in my book. The $25 programs and over-priced "trinkets" weren't really needed either, but, hey, you might as well make as much money as you can!


There are parents who hustle their children by the needy without explaining the concept of homelessness. Families who never let their children experience disappointment, the "nuisances" of life, or the meaning of the word "NO". There are people who try to keep their children sheltered from everyone who is different from them- be it religion, socio-economic status, culture, or race. Many (not all, and no, I’m not saying you) are comfortable with this fact, but often times, when someone dares not show their child something from popular culture or buy the latest and greatest toy (probably tainted with lead but that's a whole other post), they are automatically delusional.

Babies grow up, that’s a fact of life. They’ll experience heartache and sadness. They will be disappointed, frustrated, and angry. But, they are little for a short period of time and it is my job, as the parent, to shield their hearts and minds from excessive darkness, worry, and fear.

It is up to each parent to decide what is acceptable for her (or his) child. It is okay if we all have different opinions on what is acceptable or not. This is just something that my husband and I value. We want our kids to learn their morals, beliefs, and values from ourselves, grandparents, teachers, and friends- not from movies and society in general! I will let my children watch some Disney movies... because I know that my husband and I are open and honest with our kids and teach them to think for themselves and to have compassion for all people. I think the problems with Disney movies was not premeditated or dangerous, it’s what society perpetuates and so while some movies really touch a nerve, many can open dialog with children and offer a teachable moment about one of life's many lessons.

All in all, know your child. Know yourself. Know your family.
Don’t let popular culture tell you what is right.

Any thoughts???


Unknown said...

Not Disney - but the Wizard of Oz used to scare the crap out of me - especially the part with the timer and the red sand going down and flying monkeys all over the place. :)

I guess they're trying to show the difference between good and evil, but most of those themes are very antiquated and very biased...

Laura said...

Yes, I agree! Strange that they make these for such young kids!!