Wednesday, December 26, 2007

And now onto BIGGER things...

12/26/07- Logan turns 5!!!!
Talk about a shitty day to have a birthday!?!

We always try to make a big deal of Lo's b-day since, after all, it is the day after Christmas and everyone is exhausted, busy returning unwanted gifts, out of town, or extremely hung over!!!

Lo, of course, knows nothing else and he is just happy to receive "a few more extra presents." We started the day with a little scavenger hunt to find a few b-day surprises. Logan got a kick out of this! We chilled out at home for a bit playing with ALL the new toys and then met some friends for open gym playtime at the Gymnastics Academy and a birthday lunch. Home, nap/rest time and then off to Tutta-Bella for family birthday celebration. All in all, Logan had a fun day, felt special, and is proud to be 5.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Logan! 5 seems to be such a big deal for them - Liam was just so thrilled to turn 5 - everything is now "Since I'm 5 I can do (insert skill here)." or "Well I'm 5 now so it's ok"

I was afraid that our baby would share Logan's b-day, but it was not to be.

Unknown said...

I'm a Christmas baby and it's not that bad.. it's not that great, but it's not that bad. It's so great that you go out of your way to make it a special day for him. :)

Laura M (K's SIL)

Laura said...

Wow, a Christmas baby. That's special! You are right in that "it is what you make of it."
Happy Belated Birthday!!