Thursday, March 22, 2007

What's New

1) Leah is now potty trained and sleeping in a "big girl bed"... she's not our little Baby Le anymore! She's doing okay with the bed... but asks where her other bed is (it's in the living room, disassembled, hoping to find a new home!) and has started to express some fears of butterflies (?) and bees (?) at bedtime. We're working through it and hopefully she will be fully acclimated soon! It is SO cute and looks perfect in her room. I will get some pictures up soon. Promise Meg!!

2) Logan is doing great. Such a little boy now. He loves playing with all his friends and is always having "playdates" with school and neighborhood kids. Such a little social butterfly. He is coming along with pre-reading skills and knows letters and letter sounds! Today as we were reading an alphabet book, he said, "Look, there's an uppercase M and next to it is a lower case m." It was pretty cool and he continues to amaze us with how fast he picks up things.

3) Spring is here and the kids are playing outside in full force when it's nice out. Our yard seems to be the gathering place for all the neighborhood kids- which is great for me and Lo and Le. We are debating about getting a wooden swing set... I'm checking them out and deciding what would be good for us!

1 comment:

Kim Kimball said...

My advice for a wooden swingset is to invest in a good one and consider paying someone to put it up. We bought one at Toys R Us and it wasn't very good for very long. Also, even the smaller ones are a nightmare to put up so it is well worth the $$ to let someone else do that job.