Friday, May 11, 2007

Not Regular... yet

So, I know I said I would begin posting more regularly but man, my days just fly by and I'm exhausted by the time I have a few extra minutes to relax. Anyway, things here are very good! Kids (and husband) are great... everyone is happy and healthy. With the nice weather (finally) here, we have been spending a TON of time outside. Lo and Le both love going on bike rides so that has been a daily ritual- well, A and I usually walk as the kids quickly pedal away from us.. but still, it's a nice family outing. A and I actually talked about getting ourselves bikes but I think the kids are still too young to do family bike rides- unless we do the whole bike trailer thing- and I just don't know if I'm in to that! We'll see...

It's 10:36pm- I have a birthday present to wrap, mail to go through, and yes, laundry to fold... so, I'm signing off now. More to come later....

PS- I (yes, it was me, not one of the kids) dropped our camera a while ago and it costs between $175-$250 to get fixed (which is why I haven't done it yet) so we have been "picture less". I finally couldn't stand it anymore, as Lo and Le get cuter and cuter every day, so on the way home from Gramma and Papa's tonight, Team Robinson stopped and got a nice new digital camera! So, keep your eyes out for new pictures coming soon!

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