Sunday, September 30, 2007


Tickets to ASTAR charity auction benefiting Autism: $300
Dress, Shoes, Scarf for auction: $200
Dry cleaning for A's Suit: $35
Manicure, Hair Style, Make-Up Application: $100
Babysitter: $75

Getting ALL dressed up: PRICELESS
Spending a fancy night out with my husband: PRICELESS

Showing our love and support for dear friends and for all families who have Autistic children:

I can't even begin to put words on exactly how PRICELESS this is.

Wow... what an emotional and moving event we went to last night. As some of you may know, close friends of ours have a daughter who is autistic. Olivia is a BEAUTIFUL little girl who is special in so many ways. When our friends mentioned this benefit auction to us, Anthony and I knew immediately that we wanted to go. Mainly, to support our friends and to show them that we care (and also to have a REAL night out). :-) Our friends have been through SO much. They are good people who just want the best for their daughter (and other families living with Autism). Yes, it was costly... but what FUN to get all dressed up, have a fun night with A, and support our friends.

Hearing the stories of these children and their families is just heart-breaking. I think the hardest thing about it all is not knowing... Why does my child have this? How did he/she get it? Is he/she going to get better? Worse? How many more treatments and therapies can we try?

We all were in tears by the end...

To Robert, Julie, and Ms. O,

We LOVE you so so much and are here to help and support you in any way we can. You are AMAZING parents and people. I so admire you both!

Olivia is one lucky girl and you both are two lucky parents.

1 comment:

Jet City Jughead said...

I couldn't have said it better.