Sunday, January 7, 2007


Why is it that:

- whenever I'm finished doing housework and ready to relax with a book or sit in front of the tv, one of the kids wakes up from nap time?

- it is the windiest and rainiest day of the month when I want to go exploring at the beach with my family?

- both kids must have my attention right when the phone rings?

- my kids are model students at preschool but little hellions at home?

- I get so excited to watch my favorite tv show after the kids are in bed only to find out the show is a repeat?

- my house is trashed 2 hours after my cleaning ladies come?

- all my meetings for work happen to fall at the same time on the same day?

- on days when everyone is "going crazy", no one is home to come over to play?

- I realize I am out of eggs half way through making the batch of brownies or cookies?

- I procrastinate on getting work done and then have to work like a madman into the wee hours of the night to finish projects? And this is the same night that both Logan and Leah are up every two hours?

And last why is it that:

- all my troubles go away when I hear my kids laugh or when my kids run up to me and give me the biggest hug ever?

It's moments like these that remind me to live in the moment, take a deep breath, forget about the little annoyances of life, and be thankful for ALL that I have!

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