Saturday, December 2, 2006

My Favorite Things

A: Anthony, amusement parks
B: babies, birthdays
C: candles, candy, caramel apple cider
D: dolphins, Dad, decorating
E: exercise (NOT!)
F: friends, family, flowers, fashion
G: games, gummy bears, gardening
H: Happy Hour, holidays
I: ice cream
J: John Hay, journals
K: kids
L: Logan, Leah, laughter
M: Mom, money, music, MEG!
N: notecards, naps for all!
O: ocean, outdoors, organizing
P: playtime, parks, peppermint mocha's
Q: quiet time
R: reading
S: sunshine, skiing, sunsets, shopping
T: teaching, traveling, toys
U: Uncle
V: violets
W: wine-a-ques, writing, walks
X: xylophones!?
Y: yo-yos
Z: zoos!


Kim Kimball said...


Laura said...

In the summer, when my brother comes over for BBQ's, he always bring some real nice bottles of wine... so we call our get togethers Wine-A-Ques!

Meg said...

You forgot M - MEG!!!!

Laura said...

Oh man, so sorry... I will add it now. :)