Wednesday, December 20, 2006

One Liners

I have a bunch of little things to mention but nothing juicy enough to write a whole blog about. So, here goes:

1: I went shopping with my dad tonight (an annual tradition)and had a great time! I finished ALL my shopping and now just need to wrap, wrap, wrap and put together toys! We ended the night with dinner and a beer. Yum.

2: My house is bursting at the seams with presents and gifts for all. I have no more hiding spots!! Closets are filled, drawers are stuffed, and blankets are all used in various spots to cover large items. Do I dare try to put wrapped presents under the tree? Will my little angles open them?

3: I LOVE my cleaning ladies. They make my life so much easier and it forces me to clean up the random clutter that we accumulate during the week. They do the deep down dirty cleaning that I just don't have time for. It is honestly the best money that I spend during the week.

4: Fruitcake, fruitcake, and more fruitcake. My husband is addicted to fruitcake. Seriously. I am not kidding.

5: Logan loves Santa Claus. Leah wants nothing to do with the Big Guy. (And yes, I have used the old, "Santa is watching you" bribe with Logan and it works like a charm every time!)

6: Rain, rain, and more rain. Yes, I know, we live in Seattle BUT come on!!! I would love to go for a nice long walk without having to worry about the rain!

Well, that's all for now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maybe next year I can have a cleaning lady...sigh...right now the cleaning lady is me. And most of the time I think she should be fired!