Sunday, December 17, 2006

Leah the Climber

Setting: Our house
Time: Afternoon when Leah is suppose to take her nap.

Summary: So A and I are about to head out the door. Sara, the girl from across the street is babysitting. I had just put Leah down for her nap and was giving Sara the usual instructions for the kids. Next thing I know, out comes Leah with a BIG smile on her face saying, "Hi Mama, hi, I come out." I turned around, looked at her in amazement, and she ran into her room! The little stinker climbed out of her crib! We put her back in and out she came... 3 times! Finally, I just told Sara to keep her up if she did it again. (Of course, she did). She was so graceful and quiet, we didn't know even know she was escaping. Luckily at bedtime, she stayed in- must have been extra tired from not taking a nap!

Aaaaahhhhhhh- what does this mean?!?!? Time for a big bed? For my BABY? No way!? Oh boy, I am not ready to deal with sleep issues, again! Wish me luck!


Meg said...

Did you at least get the recipe????

Meg said...

Ok, so I posted this on the wrong message.... I was referring to the recipe for the hot buttered rum...not the recipe for preventing Leah from flinging herself out of her crib....