Saturday, December 9, 2006

Things that deserve mentioning...

1. I got my haircut and highlighted on Friday! I always feel so much better after getting my hair done- and it looks great.

2. The "L Kids" thought it would be fun to take rolls of toilet paper and throw them from one end of the room to another until it looked like a Winter Wonderland. Where was I, you ask? Close by, in my room folding laundry!!!!

3. My brother is in Hawaii right now, going to the U2/Pearl Jam concert. No, I'm not jealous at all!!!!

4. We went on an Argosy Cruise Santa Brunch boat ride. It was great- fun for the whole family!

5. My parents took Logan for the day today and A and I had some quality time with Leah... and I got a TON of stuff done around the house!

6. I am the luckiest Mom around!

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