Tuesday, November 14, 2006

100 Things

100 Things * By Laura
  1. I have one son, one daughter, one husband, and one salt water aquarium tank.
  2. I might re-order that list depending on my mood.
  3. But I really do love them all.
  4. Usually.
  5. Honestly, I am SO lucky to have a happy, healthy family.
  6. And, they're all real cute, too!
  7. Except for the fish.
  8. I would describe them as exotic.
  9. I work part-time in an awesome elementary school.
  10. I am also SO lucky to love my job,
  11. help kids learn and grow,
  12. and to work with a group of dynamic people.
  13. Most of them anyway.
  14. Just kidding!!
  15. And I'm even luckier that my parents take care of the little ones.
  16. Where would I be with out them?
  17. My parents, I mean.
  18. I guess I wouldn't be here!
  19. You would think that I have a lot of time on my hands creating this list.
  20. I really don't... I'm just procrastinating.
  21. Avoiding folding laundry.
  22. And doing my Big6 work.
  23. Sorry, Dad.
  24. Hey Dad, do you even read this?
  25. Let me know.
  26. If you do, mention this list to me and I'll take you out to lunch.
  27. Kid-free.
  28. Oh wait, you usually want to see the kids, not me.
  29. So.....
  30. You get to take the kids out to lunch without me!
  31. Just mention this list to me, okay!?
  32. It's a win-win situation for all of us!
  33. My Mom is the best.
  34. She is so sweet, fun, and kind.
  35. She even sometimes does my laundry, goes grocery shopping, and cooks dinner for us!
  36. And the kids ADORE her.
  37. (They love you too, Papa.)
  38. And I know my Mom will read this...
  39. Because she is cool like that.
  40. Right, Mom?
  41. Mention this list to me, Mom...
  42. And I will take you out to a special lunch!
  43. Kid-free.
  44. So, we'll see who gets to go to lunch first..
  45. Mom
  46. OR
  47. Dad
  48. It will be a fun little game.
  49. And you all know that I love games.
  50. Right, Meg?
  51. You know I love games...
  52. Hey Meg, if you read this list and mention it to me, I'll fly you out to Seattle for a week with Team Robinson.
  53. And what could be better than a week with Team Robinson?
  54. Now, back to the game topic.
  55. Luckily, Anthony is such a trooper and he plays games with me.
  56. Anth... you mention this list to me and you'll get...
  57. Well, we'll leave that up to us to decide in private.
  58. Heck, tonight, we all played "Follow the Leader."
  59. The kids really got into it and we all got turns being the leader.
  60. It was fun!
  61. I think it is important to do family stuff like that.
  62. Even if it is just 15 minutes of family time playing Simon Says or Follow the Leader.
  63. Family time is important... for us anyway.
  64. Which leads me into the topic of Uncle.
  65. Uncle is my brother and he is awesome.
  66. My kids adore him and he is so good with them.
  67. He recently told Logan that they could go to the Space Muesum together.
  68. So, every morning since Saturday, Logan has been asking when he gets to go to "DC Washington with Uncle to the Space Museum."
  69. Funny, huh??
  70. So Unc, mention this list to me and you'll get...
  71. Well, we can have negotiations, okay.
  72. I know you have high standards.
  73. Which is a good thing!
  74. One would think that I may have had a few drinks prior to writing this list.
  75. But I haven't.
  76. I am just trying something new.
  77. I actually think writing and typing help me to relax and calm down!
  78. It's a good outlet.
  79. Maybe I'll write a book one day.
  80. Actually, I don't think I have the patience for that.
  81. One day, I would love to:
  82. be a party planner,
  83. own a child's play cafe,
  84. be an independent educational consultant,
  85. and be independently wealthy.
  86. Sounds good?
  87. Small steps, small steps.
  88. I do think each "goal' is attainable, I just need to start small and work my way up.
  89. After all, I have my whole life ahead of me.
  90. Good thing I had kids at a young age.
  91. So, Kim K- What do you think of this posting?
  92. Pretty good, huh?
  93. At least I know you will ready my blog!
  94. Thanks!
  95. And
  96. that
  97. is
  98. my
  99. 100
  100. things!!!!!!!!!!
PS- I'll let you all know who wins the game....


Kim Kimball said...

Did I win?

Laura said...

The winner is...
Megan. I had to remind everyone else to read it (Anthony and Uncle B). Still haven't heard from my mom or dad... but Mom is in Florida.

Unknown said...

Reading (during a meeting) and Trying not to LOL.

I'll take Lunch w. Leah ... then Logan - one at a time. Together, they are just too much these days!

Unknown said...

p.s. - too much in a positive way. Each is so interesting and energetic. I just want to enjoy each one - at lunch.